[ESX/QB] Boss Menu with Stashes compatible with MultiJob

Advanced Boss Menu and Neon Series

The design is very important for your players, because if you have every script with different designs… it will give a less professional feeling, even if your server is great.

That’s why at CodeForge we strive to forge great AESTHETIC PACKS for you to have a great server.


Frustrated with the lack of visually appealing Boss Menu scripts on FiveM, I decided to create something better. I’m excited to share my latest creation.

Presenting: Neon Boss Menu

Key Features:

  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Fully Compatible: Works seamlessly with ESX, QB, and Forge-MultiJob. Plus, it integrates smoothly with all major inventories and targets like ox, qb, etc.
  • :computer: 100% Responsive UI: Enjoy a sleek, user-friendly interface with cool animations that adapt to any device.
  • :briefcase: Advanced Management: Empower your company’s bosses to hire, assign roles, fire staff, manage finances, and much more!
  • :package: Customizable Warehouses: Assign unique inventory warehouses for each job rank, enhancing your organizational efficiency. Easily compatible with OX_Inventory, QB-Inventory, and Quasar Inventory, among others.
  • :globe_with_meridians: Unlimited Flexibility: Add unlimited companies and control points exactly the way you want.
  • :wrench: Highly Configurable: Tailor every detail to your needs with our easy-to-use CONFIG settings.

Elevate your game server’s business management to the next level with our Neon Boss Menu. Why settle for less when you can have the best?

:point_right:Showcase Video: https://youtu.be/B3WsCAf5ezM?si=jyu1nh75jfQhUHYJ

:dollar: Download Now: Visit Tebex Store

Other SCRIPTS :point_down:

Code is accessible No (config and UI yes)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) + 700
Requirements ESX or QB
Support Yes (24/7)

Good job, mate. It’s beautiful and functional. Just like a good script should be.

love the ui


Thx!! :DD