[ESX | QB] AntiLag System with Item (Permanent on car)

6-services Anit-Lag

Looking for an anti-lag system that makes your car exhaust pop and crackle? Look no further than our top-performing Anti-Lag System! Installed with an Anti-Lag item, this system is permanently attached to your car until you remove it. Activated by holding down the Shift key, your car will pop and crackle until you release the key.

But what really sets our script apart is its performance. Our system is incredibly efficient, with minimal impact on your database. It only needs to query all license plates once, and then only updates the list when there are changes. This makes it perfect for larger servers with lots of players.

And what about the Anti-Lag items? You can sell them in your server’s shops or even in your Tebex shop, giving your players an exciting new way to customize their cars. Don’t wait - try our Anti-Lag System today and experience the ultimate in performance and customization!

→ Preview | :eye:
→ Buy Here | :pinched_fingers: (Open & Locked Version)


  • Supports ESX and QBcore
  • Anti Lag Item
  • Anit Lag is permanent on your car
  • Hold shift to activate anti lag
  • Best performance
  • Perfect for your server and your tebex shop
  • Discord Support
  • Easy setup
Code is accessible Yes/No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements ESX or QB
Support Yes
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Taking Sil-2step fix a bit and sell, i dont think is very nice of you. You didnt even bother changing event name… shameless thief


So what you’ve done is taken someone’s script, implemented a very simple fix (Which I’ve also done) and now selling it?

This should be removed. Shame on you.


cfx should have a report for this kind of “scam” thief

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Was about to say the same that this is already a script out there created by someone else… just a bit of rework and trying to sell it :smiley: What has the resource community become.

Maybe is it optimazed. Because sil step is very bad optimaze

on tebex it’s show free . if free then you need to upload it on github

How can I remove if I am a police officer for example?