[ESX] Prop Stash/Storage, usable item to place stash anywhere on map

Now updated to work with the latest ESX Legacy.


Streamable if video above doesn’t work


NO OBFUSCATION OR IP-LOCK, The script is entirely accessible

Tebex link: https://hujo.tebex.io/package/4527205
Only a minimum amount of 15€ + taxes!


  • A safe object that only renders to nearby players (not heavy on the server’s resources)

  • Create your own personal storage anywhere on the map with a usable ‘storage’ item

  • Deposit and withdraw items, dirty money and weapons with ammunition from the storage

  • Rob another player’s storage if you find one with a ‘lockpick’ item (The police gets alerted)

  • Give and remove permissions to other players to manage your storage

  • Simple database table to manage and see every storage on the server

  • Open the storage with a self-assigned passcode

  • Extremely low resource usage (resmon 0.00-0.01)

  • Show your storage on the map with a blip only visible to you

  • Compatible with the latest ESX-Legacy as well as ESX v1.2+

  • Older ESX versions with limit system also compatible but require you to contact us and we will provide you with the required modifications to help set it up

Commands / How-To

  1. /givepermissions (server-id) - Give a player permissions to manage your storage (Deposit and withdraw)

  2. /removepermissions (server-id) - Remove a player’s permissions to manage your storage

  3. /removeallpermissions - Remove all permissions from your storage

  4. /removestorage - Remove your storage


  • es_extended, mythic_notify, progressBars
  • All of the above are free and open :slight_smile:
Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements ESX
Support Unlimited
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