He said that to all. I just translate in english and sorry if you find some grammar mistakes.
"Mod that adds paintball activity to your ESX server.
Players must empty their inventory and remove their weapons. Otherwise the inventory will be LOST.
The teleporter is in the prison and the land is not far away.
to change the teleporter, change the home and homeblip coordinates for the new location in the client / main.lua file.
By choosing the team, the player changes skin and becomes first person. If he leaves the field, he becomes dressed again.
You must add these resources to your server.cfg for the resource to work.
You can do whatever you want with the resource edit, share etc.
I do not offer support for this resource, I share it because it collects dust
on my hard drive and I believe that someone could enjoy it.
A thank you to QcLiquid who made the paintball field".
Good paintball!
ps: translate this esx in english if necessary
how can I assign a function where the player to be hit by an example gun combat pdw he only takes 1 damage and raise his hand and only lower when he arrives at a point (blip) idea for paintball
Is there a way to set an auto revive when one player gets knocked instead of an admin having to revive all the time or EMS standing stand by in the field?