Tronix Kits
- A simple Kit System, Allows Server Owners to create Kits and Donor Kits linked to a discord role.
- (Optional) Discord Logs (When Kit is redeemed)
- Easy Configurable Config
- Can give custom items,Cash and Weapons
- Donator Kits (Linked to discord role)
- Non-Donator Kits
- 0.00ms
- /kit [Kitname] (Redeems the Kit()
- /kits (Gets a list of available kits)
Admin/Console Commands:
- /ResetKit [kitname] [playerid] (Resets players kit cooldown)
Buy via Tebex (Escrow protected)
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Code is accessible | No (Config Only) |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 300 |
Requirements | ESX, Badger_Discord_Api |
Support | Yes |