[ESX] [Paid] - Simple Banking - Custom Banking System

Simple Banking:
This is a simple banking system I made for my community, but after a few communities asked me to sell it to them privately, I decided to release it publicly.


  • Share your bank access with your friends
  • Manage company funds through bank
  • Transaction history, with notes so you can track what you spend money on
  • Easy to add stuff to the transaction history
  • 0.01ms run time


  • ESX (tested on final version, should work on v2)
  • MySQL-Async (Should already have it, if you’re using ESX)
  • Mythic Notify


  • No Encryption/IP Locking
  • CSS/HTML/JS is minified, but a non-minified version is included.

To not floor this page, I put the screenshots on an Imgur album.

Alps.gg Addons | Simple Banking

pawsative - Frontend & Backend Lua
conn - UI (HTML, CSS, JS)
Nopixel - Design based of off their bank.

Video Preview:


Defo inspired/ copied from NoPixel :rofl:


exactly what i was thinking haha

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Please send us a copy of your resource to moderators group for approval.

Does this include ATMs?

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Do you mean can you use ATMs? If so, it finds ATMs by their mode, so every ATM should work

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hey would love to see a video preview of this especially for the price… Look forward to seeing it

Added a preview video, also pushed an update for the menu.

Update Notes:

  • Bank now updates in real time (Transaction will get added to history instantly, and balance will update) instead of having to close/open menu.
  • Edit friends will no longer be blank the first time after opening after giving someone access for the first time.
  • Optimization - Improved speed of some of the serverside code.

Looks great you did a great job. Just because it looks similar to something else doesn’t mean you didn’t create it but people will always hate. Again looks sweet! Keep it up.

If you could add the player cash balance to also show in the bank that would make it perfect imo. Maybe in the corner or somewhere.

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Nice i was wondering does it go well with Multi characters i heard something about the transaction is shown for both chars but it has just changed the char name.

Will add this into the next update.

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I’m working on adding full multi characters support, but it’s not too easy because everyone uses a different multi-character script, so they don’t work the same way, but either way it’s gonna be supported on the next update I’m pushing out.

All good appreciate it its looking amazing i would prob go with “kashacters” it seems like most people use that :smile:

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Does the script have webhooks for all the actions that are performed in the bank?

is script is open source? because i’m using custom character system and base so i need modify all code

Webhooks for like deposits/withdraws? No, but it wouldn’t be too hard to add.

None of the code is encrypted. The HTML/CSS/JS is minified, but non-minified versions are included with it.


Any chance you can add webhooks for like depositing and withdrawls etc?