[ESX] [PAID] Illegal Credit Card's System (RP Illegal credit card system metadata, ox_target)

Updated deluxe-illegalcc to v1.3.1
Check my other paid resources too:

  • Added Police alert chance when players use ATMs and added support for cd_dispatch
  • Code refacturing

Added in Config.lua :

Config.AlertPolice = true -- Enable / Disable police alert when someone tries to insert a credit card into the ATM

Config.AlertPoliceChance = 15 -- % Of the chances of sending the alert to police 1-100
Config.AlertType = 'ox' -- Currently available : ox, cd_dispatch
Config.AlertJobName = 'police' -- Job name that will receive the message
Config.AutoSetGps = true -- Enables automatic gps set for police when they get the alert / false it doesn't enable it.

Support for cd_dispatch below the config:

-- Custom CD_Dispatch settings if you enabled it in AlertType . Otherwise don't touch
Config.AlertCD_Dispatch = {
    job_table = {'police', }, 
    title = '10-15 - ATM Illegal Card',
    message = 'A {sex} robbing a store at {street}',  -- Placeholders for sex and street
    flash = 0,
    sound = 1,
    blip = {
        sprite = 431, 
        scale = 1.2, 
        colour = 3,
        text = '911 - ATM Illegal Card',
        time = 5,
        radius = 0,