Hello, today I bring to you my Hitman script it has some pretty cool features if I do say so myself. I believe this script can bring some fun gameplay to the players in your favorite 5M server. Once you purchase this script all the files will be in plain text meaning NO OBFUSCATION. If requested enough I would be willing to make a version available for QBcore but for now, this release is only for ESX.
Tested on ESX Legacy and v1.final
v1.1 NPCs no longer instantly die from headshots
v1.2 Target player now gets notified that a hit has been put out on them.
TEBEX $14.99
Very Configurable(Almost everything that can be changed is in the config file)
Config = {}
Config.playerHitPayOut = 10000 --Payout for completing player hit
Config.TrackingTime = 60 --Unit in seconds
Config.TrackingUpdateTime = 2 --Unit in seconds for how often the tracking updates
Config.lowLevelPay = 5000 --Low risk hit man job payout
Config.lowLevelTime = 90 --Unit in second for the amount of time to complete low level hit
Config.highLevelPay = 15000 --High risk payout
Config.highLevelTime = 120 --Unit in second for the amount of time to complete high level hit
Config.disabledJob = "police" --Disabled Job
Config.markerX = -220.5 --HitMan job location x
Config.markerY = -975.6 --HitMan job location y
Config.markerZ = 29.5 --HitMan job location z
Config.h = 45.0 --HitMan job location heading
Config.lowLevel = {
coords = vector3(99.6, -1404.2, 29.2), --Target position
weapon = "WEAPON_COMBATPDW", --Target weapon
model = "s_m_y_dwservice_01", --Target model
acc = 100, --Target accuracy
armour = 75 --Target Armor
coords = vector3(92.6, -1393.1, 29.4),
model = "s_m_y_dwservice_01",
acc = 100,
armour = 75
Config.highLevel = {
coords = vector3(-1183.8, -492.4, 34.5), --Target position
weapon = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", --Target weapon
model = "ig_casey", --Target model
acc = 100, --Target accuracy
armour = 75, --Target Armor
goons = {
coords = vector3(-1182, -492.5, 34.6), --Goon position
weapon = "WEAPON_COMBATPDW", --Goon weapon
model = "s_m_y_dwservice_01", --Goon model
acc = 100, --Goon Accuracy
armour = 75 --Goon Armor
coords = vector3(-1184.2, -494.4, 34.6),
model = "s_m_y_dwservice_01",
acc = 100,
armour = 75
coords = vector3(1096.4, 70.8, 80.9),
model = "ig_casey",
acc = 100,
armour = 75,
goons = {
coords = vector3(1098.1, 69.5, 80.9),
model = "s_m_y_dwservice_01",
acc = 100,
armour = 75
coords = vector3(1093.4, 71.1, 80.9),
model = "s_m_y_dwservice_01",
acc = 100,
armour = 75