[ESX][PAID] Hitman

Hello, today I bring to you my Hitman script it has some pretty cool features if I do say so myself. I believe this script can bring some fun gameplay to the players in your favorite 5M server. Once you purchase this script all the files will be in plain text meaning NO OBFUSCATION. If requested enough I would be willing to make a version available for QBcore but for now, this release is only for ESX.

Tested on ESX Legacy and v1.final


v1.1 NPCs no longer instantly die from headshots
v1.2 Target player now gets notified that a hit has been put out on them.

TEBEX $14.99

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Very Configurable(Almost everything that can be changed is in the config file)

Config = {}

Config.playerHitPayOut = 10000 		--Payout for completing player hit 
Config.TrackingTime = 60 		                --Unit in seconds
Config.TrackingUpdateTime = 2 		--Unit in seconds for how often the tracking updates
Config.lowLevelPay = 5000 		        --Low risk  hit man job payout
Config.lowLevelTime = 90 		             --Unit in second for the amount of time to complete low level hit
Config.highLevelPay = 15000		        --High risk payout
Config.highLevelTime = 120 		     --Unit in second for the amount of time to complete high level hit
Config.disabledJob = "police" 		        --Disabled Job
Config.markerX = -220.5 		                --HitMan job location x
Config.markerY = -975.6 		                --HitMan job location y
Config.markerZ = 29.5   		                --HitMan job location z
Config.h = 45.0         		                        --HitMan job location heading

Config.lowLevel = {

		coords = vector3(99.6, -1404.2, 29.2),	--Target position
		weapon = "WEAPON_COMBATPDW",	--Target weapon
		model = "s_m_y_dwservice_01",		--Target model
		acc = 100,				                        --Target accuracy
		armour = 75				                        --Target Armor
		coords = vector3(92.6, -1393.1, 29.4),
		weapon = "WEAPON_COMBATPDW",
		model = "s_m_y_dwservice_01",
		acc = 100,							
		armour = 75								

Config.highLevel = {
		coords = vector3(-1183.8, -492.4, 34.5), 	                --Target position
		weapon = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE",			--Target weapon
		model = "ig_casey",				                        --Target model
		acc = 100,					                                --Target accuracy
		armour = 75,					                                --Target Armor
		goons = {
				coords = vector3(-1182, -492.5, 34.6), 		--Goon position
				weapon = "WEAPON_COMBATPDW",               --Goon weapon
				model = "s_m_y_dwservice_01",			--Goon model
				acc = 100,					                        --Goon Accuracy
				armour = 75					                        --Goon Armor
				coords = vector3(-1184.2, -494.4, 34.6),
				weapon = "WEAPON_COMBATPDW",
				model = "s_m_y_dwservice_01",
				acc = 100,							
				armour = 75								
		coords = vector3(1096.4, 70.8, 80.9),
		model = "ig_casey",
		acc = 100,								
		armour = 75,									
		goons = {
				coords = vector3(1098.1, 69.5, 80.9),
				weapon = "WEAPON_COMBATPDW",
				model = "s_m_y_dwservice_01",
				acc = 100,								
				armour = 75									
				coords = vector3(1093.4, 71.1, 80.9),
				weapon = "WEAPON_COMBATPDW",
				model = "s_m_y_dwservice_01",
				acc = 100,								
				armour = 75									


Great script, are you able to add multiple low and high level locations and payout locations?

Yes you may add as many locations as you like as well as how many goons spawn with the high level target @NuggAssassin. For right now there is only 1 payout location but could be changed in future updates

Does the player that gets a hit put on them be notified there is a hit on them , or do they find out when they open a ticket for VDM/RDM :smiley:

I didn’t think about that thank you for the idea I’ll repost here once I have updated the script

Once again thank you for the suggestion I have updated the script to notify the target player when the hit has been put out on them.

Great, Will purchase when home, :slight_smile:

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Hello @overdose3654 , It seems the target player isnt being notified, the message “You have made some enemies, looks like someone is watching you !!” appears as your talking to the hitman ped on my screen and nothing on target player screen

I’m sorry to hear that I may have goofed up the logic let me go in and check it out @SPENNNY

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I just updated the script again should be working for you now let me know if everything goes well on your end.

Was there anything else you would like to see me put in this script?

Maybe be able to add an item to the payout if you want the job to be able to pay in money and items ?

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Thanks for the reply sounds like a cool idea I’ll work on that tonight and post it here once it’s updated.

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I have downloaded the latest version, will revert once i have tested it out to see if player is notified.
Thankyou for this script !

EDIT: Still same issue

Hmm that’s interesting I’m currently on vacation so I won’t be able to work on it until Wednesday but I’ll make sure to start on that ASAP. I will tag you here when it’s done sorry for the inconvenience.

I had a couple of minutes to look over the script and I made an update to it but I have no way of testing it as of right now because I don’t have my main computer with me. I believe this should have fixed the issue though.

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Do i download the update through assets in CFX.Server Keys ?

Yes all updates will be sent through the CFX keymaster sorry for the late reply it’s the end of my semester and it’s been chaotic.

@overdose3654 it still not letting the player know who has a hit on them


Hey man would you mind telling me how you fixed it I have been so busy and haven’t been able to look back over everything