[ESX] [PAID] Car Paint Spray


With an spray item, you can paint any car you want !

In the “sv_paint.lua” you can change the color of all car spray
In the “cl_paint.lua” you can change the color of spray animation

In the “Config.lua” you can choise if you want English or French notify

In the script, you have:

  • Spay animation
  • Change color instant
  • 4 spray pre-config for 4 different colors
  • If you are too far of any vehicle, a marker go on top of the neardest car
  • You can change colors of the spray

Thank you for the support if you buy it !


Enjoy it !


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you have talent continue like that you will go far my brother


Thx very much bro :muscle::muscle::pray:

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[FREE][ESX] Usable Car Paint - wasabi_carpaint – same thing