[ESX] [PAID] Advanced Sync timer with command and Zone

:star2: Hi hello ! :star2:

After years of development, I’m really proud to release my very first script! I couldn’t find any timer/countdown synchronization scripts by players (or maybe my research skills are lacking x’D), so I worked hard to create an advanced and comprehensive script for synchronizing countdowns between players.

You can create two different types of timers:

  • Create timers by name. Provide a name, the duration of the timer, and the second at which a close-to-end timer alert sound will ring. Players can join the timer via a command.
  • Create timers by zone. Provide the same information as before, then create a zone where the timer will be active. By joining the zone, you will be synchronized with the timer in that zone.

:safety_pin: Features

:star2: General

  • Sync between players, even after a crash or if a new player connect
  • Customisable sounds
  • Fully configurable
  • Optimized

:keyboard: Timer by command

  • Timer by name, players can join a timer before or after it starts by using a command
  • Only the creator can start or delete their own timers
  • The creator can cancel the countdown for all players in the countdown
  • Players can cancel the countdown for themselves
  • Players can get many timers

:large_blue_diamond: Timer by zone

  • Every player can create a fully configurable zone and see it during creation
  • When the zone is created, a player entering the zone automatically joins the timer
  • When a player leaves the zone, the timer stops for them. If they come back to the zone, the timer continues and stays synchronized with the other players and zones.
  • If the creator leaves the zone, they still see the timer.
  • The creator can cancel the timer for everyone

:loud_sound: Sound

  • All sounds can be modified
  • Sound during the initial countdown
  • Can play a tick sound every second or after a configurable second
  • Can play a customizable sound after a second chosen by the player when creating the timer
  • Every player on the timer listens to the sound

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Optimisation

No timer 0.00ms
During timer 0.04ms
While creating the zone 0.05ms ~ 0.11ms

:safety_pin: Commands

createTimer Create a timer players can join with a command
createTimerZone Create a timer players can join by entering a zone
joinTimer Allow to join a timer, before or after they start
startTimer Creator starts the timer for every player who joins
deleteTimer Creator deletes the timer. It cancels it if it was already started. If there’s a timer with a zone, it deletes the zone
cancelTimer Player can leave the timer. If the creator cancels the timer, it cancels it for every player
myTimers See every timer you’ve created

:page_facing_up: Configuration


Config = {}

Config.Langage = 'fr'

Config.playTickOnSecond = false -- Play a tick sound every second of the timer
Config.playTickOnLastSeconds = true -- Play a tick sound every second during the last phase
Config.playTickSecond = 20 -- If playTickOnLastSeconds is true, play a tick sound at this second

Config.yellowTextSecond = 20 -- After this second, the timer text will turn yellow
Config.orangeTextSecond = 10 -- After this second, the timer text will turn orange
Config.redTextSecond = 5 -- After this second, the timer text will turn red

Config.seePolyzone = true -- If true, the zone remains visible to all players after validation
Config.ZoneColor = {r = 178, g = 4, b = 255} -- Color of the zone

Config.warningCountdown = true -- If true, a countdown will precede the timer start to warn players
Config.warningStartCountdown = 5 -- Number of seconds for the warning countdown

Config.countdownX = 0.5 -- X position on the screen for the timer and countdown
Config.countdownY = 0.05 -- Y position on the screen for the timer and countdown

Config.marker = {
    frontPlayer = { -- Marker in front of the player to indicate the zone placement
        type = 2,
        scale = {x = 0.3, y = 0.2, z = 0.15},
        color = {r = 250, g = 0, b = 0, a = 100},
        zModifier = 0
    onGround = { -- Marker on the ground after the player places a point
        type = 2,
        scale = {x = 0.3, y = 0.2, z = 0.15},
        color = {r = 250, g = 0, b = 0, a = 100},
        zModifier = 0

Config.playCustomSoundOnSecond = true -- Allow players to choose the second for playing the custom end sound. Set to false to disallow.



GitHub - aymannajim/an_dialogBox: NUI Dialog Box for FiveM [Standalone]

GitHub - mkafrin/PolyZone: PolyZone is a FiveM mod to define zones of different shapes and test whether a point is inside or outside of the zone

:arrow_forward: PREVIEW

[ESX] [FIVEM] Astral Timer - The most complet timer/countdown

:briefcase: BUY IT (5€ +tax)

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Code is accessible No (but config and local file)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~ 700 lines
Requirements ESX, anDialog, Polyzone
Support Yes