[ESX][PAID]Advanced Ammo System (Gun Magazines as Items)

No . This Code is not Obfuscated . By buying it you will have access to every part of the code (i mentioned it as Important note at the end of topic )

Off-topic question: That is one slick inventory where did you get that from?!

I Don’t Remember The Author exactly, search for esx_inventoryhud you will find it i think.

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Alright many thanks :+1:

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nice job dude, as always!


Its free script :angry: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: , you can edit this

Even without looking at the code of the script that you sent i can see the difference clearly just with the video. The script that you sent is like other normal scripts that add Ammo Clip as items to use . There is already plenty of them. But none of them will prevent player from having more than 1 clip size . None of them have Clip type for specific gun. With this script you can have as many Gun magazine types as You want. Do you want different Clip type for each rifle ? No problem just add them in your items table in DB then in the script config file. Instead of Raging out see the Complete functionality of both scripts.
Yes you can edit that script and make it like mine but it wouldn’t have any difference from making it from scratch because the code is not similar at all.

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In that script has only one clip item,that fits for all weapons.
In this script you can make clip for every single weapon…
This is not the same.

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you can edit this man :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

No…you can edit that,but I will use this.This is the best of you go back and edit,and let us be man.

you can configure how many bullets the magazine has? or the extended loaders?

unfortunately Extended Magazines are not supported Currently.
The Amount of Bullet that Each gun will have is Determined By GetWeaponClipSize native. It will Return the Default amount of bullet that guns can store in their magazine and it does not support Extended magazines.

I don’t think they copied anyone’s code. Just made an attempt at going beyond the standard 1 ammo for all guns thing. Which is fine. They’re free to make whatever :p.

If you’re trying to link similiar resources that function the same, a better example would be disc ammo as it has a config for weapons per type same as this :man_shrugging: and allows you to set the amount per ammo item. it has a dependency for disc_base, but you can remove it easy enough. You can accomplish ammo limiting as well by just streaming a weapon meta, which you should do already, and defining the max ammo for it.

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Well there is always a difference between PAID and Free script, like my script that @Anel_Hadzyc mentioned, Like this Script @rezaCyber made, anyone with a common knowledge of programming can make this in a few hours. @rezaCyber prefers to sell his Scripts to make a quick buck on the side, I don’t i believe easily coded scripts should be free. Watch out for the next Release :3

No one is forcing Anybody to buy paid scripts. I did not See any similar scripts like this before in the forum . Maybe some Magazine items like yours but not like this . You can rely on them or frustrate yourself by editing whole bunch of things that Neiltary explained in the upper post Or just pay for this script. I had Many Positive Feedbacks from this script. If it is something easy, very popular and great, why there isn’t any script like it in the forum. As always . If there is a script like mine (similar in features and performance) and its for free i will delete the topic. I won’t charge for a script that has a similar free version.

did the ammo save after we use it ? cause some paid script not saving . after use then drop or relog it will gone

as it come, every pistol can use magazines of other pistol, so this is nothing new. I’ve pay for something we all have for free and without use a resource.

Can you Explain More? i don’t exactly know what are you talking about!
You can easily add more type of magazines for each pistol that you want.

I give you an example. I suppose we have 2 gun. GunA and GunB. I buy GunA with 2 GunA magazines ok? If i buy a GunB i can use on it GunA magazines simply by change gun. This trick ammo count and ammo type.

there is a reason for that, adding more Pistol magazine types will only increase the frustration of your players. but if you are willing to do that You can easily add more Magazine types.
Add the new magazine types in your items database.
Define the magazines for the guns in the Config file. Thats it!