[ESX] [OX] veeq_drugselling - Sell your drugs in a modern style


[ESX] [OX] Sell your drugs in a modern style.


Streamable - veeq_drugselling


  • Selling using ox_target
  • 3 types of drugs
  • No possibility to sell to players, dead NPCs, NPCs in vehicles, etc.
  • No possibility to sell a drug to the same person 2 times in a row
  • Notifications to the police
  • Requiring police officers on duty
  • Random drug price
  • Animations
  • Overall neatness, and modernity
  • Polish translation, and English translation


  1. put ‘veeq_drugselling’ to your ‘resources’ folder
  2. add line ‘ensure veeq_drugselling’ in your server.cfg and save it
  3. configure config.lua
  4. restart server


Github - veeq_drugselling


  1. es_extended
  2. an_progBar
  3. esx_dispatch
  4. ox_target
  5. ox_lib

Of course, you can edit the script, and use your notifications, or progresbars. The above requirements are only if you want to download my script, and use it right away.


Good work! Do you have discord server?

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I like it.

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nice. works.


  • add ox progressBar, too, when you use Lib there… that we dont need 2 scripts.
  • make a animation for the seller
  • try to fix that flickering with the foot from the npc
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Yes more ox :muscle:


Personally, I think the ox_lib progress bar is ugly, but maybe I’ll give players the option to choose between an_progbar and ox_lib. Thanks!


think you could maybe add a leveling par to this so as you sale more drugs your level goes up and you can make more and also maybe add ina way for if x amount of cops are online it pays a precentage of the amount? so like 0-5 would pay maybe 25% 6-10 would pay 50% 11-15 would pay 75% 16+ would pay 100%

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should add to ur script for u to sell drugs out of ur vehicle as well

Great script. You should add a feature that you can add different type of drugs… I have edited to add more types that can be sold in my project server, I am working on As I have made a lab script that pretty configurable on drugs that can be made.

What mods are you all using for mod production? Any good free ones?

Hello amazing work dude you just should edit the server.lua because you forget to change the inventory item to change it from the config file
xPlayer.removeInventoryItem(meth, x)

xPlayer.removeInventoryItem(Config.MethItem, x)


hi, ive been trying to implemenet the qs-dispatch into this script but i failed… is there someone who has it ? or knows how to do it?

I have made a drug manufacture script with recipes. You have to have the correct amount of materials make a certain drug.

Nice work, how add to the CD_dispatch

Thanks! Check out their documentation, I’m sure it’s all written there!

Where is a documentation please?