Of course, you can edit the script, and use your notifications, or progresbars. The above requirements are only if you want to download my script, and use it right away.
think you could maybe add a leveling par to this so as you sale more drugs your level goes up and you can make more and also maybe add ina way for if x amount of cops are online it pays a precentage of the amount? so like 0-5 would pay maybe 25% 6-10 would pay 50% 11-15 would pay 75% 16+ would pay 100%
Great script. You should add a feature that you can add different type of drugs… I have edited to add more types that can be sold in my project server, I am working on As I have made a lab script that pretty configurable on drugs that can be made.
Hello amazing work dude you just should edit the server.lua because you forget to change the inventory item to change it from the config file
xPlayer.removeInventoryItem(meth, x)