[ESX] [OX] [FREE] OS_GIVEKEYS - Re-sell your car to players

:money_with_wings: OS_GIVEKEYS :busts_in_silhouette:

Download: [GitHub]

Sell your car to other players


  • :wood: Discord Logging to monitor activity.
  • :dollar: Custom Prices for a user-friendly experience.
  • :control_knobs: Easy configurable to adjust it to your server.
  • :oncoming_automobile: JobsCreator Supported for a wider range of compatibility

JobsCreator permanent garages can be disabled in config
Item requirement can be disabled in config

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 270
Requirements ox_inventory & ox_lib
Support Yes


Config = {}

Config.Locale = 'de'                -- de, en, es, fr, at
Config.JobsCreator = true           -- Enable if you want people be able to sell cars from JobCreator permanent garages

-- Item
Config.useItem = true               -- Player requires to have item in inventory to be able to sell their car
Config.Item = "kaufvertrag"         -- Item name >> E.g "contract"

-- Logging
Config.DiscordLogging = true        -- Enable discord logging?
Config.WebHook = ""                 -- Webhook URL

Locale Structure:

Locales = Locales or {}

Locales ['en'] = {
    -- General Translation
    ['missingPassenger']    =	'No passenger detected',        											-- No passenger
    ['vehicleNotOwned']	    =	'This vehicle does not belong to you',       								-- Vehicle not owned
    ['notDriver']		    =	'You must be in the driver seat',       									-- Not on driver seat
    ['notInsideVehicle']    =	'You are not inside a vehicle',             								-- Not in vehicle
    ['keysReceived']        =	'You have received the car keys',  											-- Keys received
    ['keysGiven']           =	'You have given the keys to ID %s',    										-- Keys transferred
    ['failed']              =	'Something went wrong',               										-- Something went wrong
    ['noContract']          =   'You don\'t have a sales contract',                                         -- No contractor item

    -- Alert Dialog (Car Buyer)
    ['confirmTransfer'] 	=	"Confirm transfer",															-- Title of Alert Dialog
    ['aboutToBuy']			=	"You are about to buy the car for $%d. Do you want to proceed?",			-- Confirmation text of Alert Dialog
    ['transferCancelled']	=	"Transfer cancelled",														-- User pressed ESC or Decline

    -- Input Dialog (Car Seller)
    ['title']				=	"Transfer car keys",														-- Title of Input Dialog
    ['label']				=	"Enter price",																-- Label of number input
    ['labelDescription']	=	"Car price",																-- Description of number input
    ['invalidInput']		=	"Invalid input",															-- Invalid number input
    ['invalidPrice']		= 	"You don\'t have enough money",												-- Invalid price

    -- Discord Webhook-Logging
    ['WebhookName']         =   'Name',                                                                     -- Discord Webhook Name
    ['EmbedTitle']          =   'Car Sale',                                                                 -- Title of log
    ['Footer']              =   'Footer',                                                                   -- Footer of log

    ['logFailedTransfer']	= 	'Player %s (ID %i) just tried to transfer car keys but no passenger was detected.',                       -- No passenger
    ['logCarTransfer']		= 	'Player %s (ID %i) just transferred car keys to player %s (ID %i) for $%i.',                              -- Transfered to .. for .$
    ['logCarNotOwned']		= 	'Player %s (ID %i) just tried to transfer car keys but the vehicle didn\'t belong to them.',              -- Vehicle not owned
    ['logNotDriver']		= 	'Player %s (ID %i) just tried to transfer car keys but they weren\'t in the driver\'s seat.',             -- Not on driver side
    ['logNotEnoughMoney']	=	'Player %s (ID %i) just tried to receive car keys but they didn\'t have enough money.'                    -- Not enough money to buy
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maybe you must create multiple support framework

As of now I only support the ESX framework because I only have an ESX server to test my scripts on

OK, I’m allowed to change the script to support multiple qb and esx frameworks. I’ve finished working on it, aka I’m trying to use it on my server. Thank You.

If I succeed, I will share it here.

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de: cooler script schΓΆn das er free to use ist :slight_smile:

en: cool script nice that the script is free :slight_smile:

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