[ESX] NKN - Sport Betting


Create new games ingame that players can bet on
As an admin you have a manager/admin board
You can set when a game should start (Hours, Minutes)
You can paste .png links for the pictures (team, league)
Logo can be changed (top left)
You can change the colors
Discord webhooks available


ESX Prefix
Who is allowed to use adminpanel?
minimum tip
Logs (webhook)

Config = {
cl_config.esx = 'esx'
cl_config.getSharedObject = 'getSharedObject'

cl_config.coords = {
    vector3(-560, 284.3, 82.2),

cl_config.helpnotifymsg = "Drücke ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ um das Menü zu öffnen"

server = {}

server.esx = 'esx'
server.getSharedObject = 'getSharedObject'

server.allowed = {"superadmin", "admin"}    -- Groups Allowed to Create / End Games

server.notify = function(source, msg) 
    TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", source, msg)

server.minimumTipps = 1 -- INT - How much Bets are Requied to Create.

server.logWebhooks = {
    ["TeamlerLogs"] = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/985520125170053141/tsJho4nTDqnQ-7Dd1urzAqe37cfzAAie5odpkzh8tfrUwgGU1bN", -- Discordwebhook for Team. !!! BE CAREFULL, PLAYER IDENTIFERS ARE CONTAINS
    ["Publiclog"] = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/985520125170053141/tsJho4nTDqnQ-7Dd1urzAqe37cfzAAie5odpkzh8tfrUwgGU1bN", -- Public Discordwebhook, For created games Message
    ["Settings"] = {
        footer = "shop.nkn-services.dev",
        color = 16315648, 
        serverlogo = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/969305384185626685/974694521298354277/Pre-comp_2104.png"

server.language = {
    minimumtipps = "Du musst mindestens "..server.minimumTipps.." Spiele in einem Schein tippen.",
    nomoney = "Du hast nicht genügend Geld auf der Bank!",


server.debugPrints = function(msg)
    local a = "[^1NKN-SPORTSBET^0] "..msg


preview: NKN Betting Preview (LateNightV)


Tebex: shop.nkn-services.dev

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1102
Requirements es_extended
Support Yes, 24/7

240€ :rofl::rofl::disappointed:

Prices have been adjusted by other customers

Are you kidding? 200€? You don’t even have it automated with sport betting odds etc. Hilarious!

Can you clarify the Bet365 Api for me? Then that would be possible xd…

The price was determined by our customers, which was significantly higher

The price… holy shit for 50-70 we can talk about it xD

As I said, the price varies from OUR customer base.

Nobody is obliged to buy the script.
Of course it’s annoying for smaller servers, but for smaller servers we have other scripts with a good price

Wait me for something like this.

Nice Work

1 Like

Geile Arbeit Jungs. Macht spezial Rabatt :stuck_out_tongue:

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i would never ever pay so much for that. The ui looks like it made 10 years ago, if it would have a live integration to real sports event or smth like that. 200€+ never.
And btw arent you the guy who sold malicious scripts with cipher or something? heard it in the community


nice work :slight_smile:

1 Like

I pref iBetting, better UI and not 240€


price is complete unreal :smiley: