[ESX] NKN - Crafting Table | Items & Weapons - 20% OFF

:hammer_and_wrench: Advanced Crafting System - Feature Showcase :wrench:

Elevate your server’s gameplay with our Advanced Crafting System! This system is designed for immersive and customizable experiences, providing a wealth of features for endless creativity and engagement.

:star2: Key Crafting Features

  • :hammer: Infinite Crafting Tables & Items: Unleash limitless crafting possibilities with an endless array of crafting tables and items.
  • :closed_lock_with_key: Job-Limited Access: Enhance roleplay by restricting crafting tables to specific jobs (you can disable it for each table).
  • :school_satchel: Diverse Crafting Options: Craft a wide range of items, from weapons to essentials, using various resources.
  • :globe_with_meridians: Crafting NPCs, Markers, Blips & Props: Enable and edit for each table. Full Control in your HANDS!
  • :timer_clock: Offline Progress: Keep crafting going even when players are offline with Config.allowOfflineProgress.
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Single Crafting Restriction: Enforce realistic gameplay by limiting players to crafting one item at a time with Config.allowMultipleCrafting.

:triangular_ruler: Advanced Configuration and Integration

  • :earth_africa: Multilingual Support: Customize UI texts like the Crafting Button or Collect Button in language.lua, and much more.
  • :wrench: ESX Legacy Compatibility: Perfect integration with both ESX Legacy and older versions.
  • :bell: Customizable Notifications & Debug Mode: Tailor notifications to player actions and simplify troubleshooting.
  • :robot: Discord Integration: Receive logs and updates directly through Discord with dedicated webhooks.

:desktop_computer: Performance and Customization

  • :racing_car: Optimized Performance: Experience smooth gameplay with a guaranteed 0.00ms on resmon.
  • :eye: Customize UI: Tailor every aspect of your UI, including texts and buttons, to fit your server’s theme.
  • :jigsaw: Developer-Friendly Design: Easy integration and customization with clean, maintainable code.

:shopping: Get Your Advanced Crafting System Today!

Transform your server with our Advanced Crafting System for a unique and engaging crafting experience. :shopping_cart: Purchase Now and start crafting your world!

:link: Quick Links

SAVE 20% on TEBEX (ACTIVE for 24 HOURS!)

Code is accessible Only Configs
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~1650
Requirements ESX Framework
Support Yes
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very nice work, but in my opinion, it would be even more interesting with a decent mini-game. :+1:

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Thank you for your feedback!

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:tools: HOTFIX

  • :hammer: Important Bugfix for Crafting Table: A client-side issue has been resolved that required all Crafting Tables to be within Config.RenderDistance to work properly.

:arrows_counterclockwise: Files to Replace

To fully implement this bug fix, please replace the following file in your resource folder:

  • client/client.lua :open_file_folder: