Thank you my friend and without taxes, price is 12e ( maybe i will lower it lilttle bit ). I was searching on forum beffore posting it and didnt saw anything similliar, correct me if i am wrong. Thanks and have a nice one !
Hello my man and you just need to have mumble-voip (script) started in your server.cfg and that’s it… Players doesnt need to download anything, they just get radio item, open it, choose freq and talk there
You should add volume buttons to raise and lower the volume to make your radio unique from the few out there that are the exact same as yours function wise just a suggestion!
Hello my friend and you cant compare this with our radio. This video you sent is default voip, our radio is custom made by our Designer and its different way of the script. But thank you on your thought’s, much love and if you want it cheaper, just contact us private @GetCloud
Very true, it will be added on first Update, thank you, on your ideas ! @PeeganKreece
Thank you for your consern’s and its better to be cautious. I will tell our Designer about this and if it willl be a problem, he will make new custom one. Thank’s once again !
Today i will add PMA version too, thanks on sayin it @Zach59k@bdxnnnn
Hello my man, you can check differences alone just by reading topic’s. Radio is made by our Designer and it look’s very clean and pretty ( for me ) , so most of the price is there and other side in the script. Thanks on your thought’s ! @rezaCyber
I am thinking about buying this, however it NEEDS password protection for channels if it doesn’t already have it, as well as the volume up and down as previously suggested.