[ESX] Mobile Data Terminal | Reports, warrants, calls, searches & more

is their a place to place tickets? or do you just place them in the create report?

Very interesting

Do you have it w/o kash acted

Is this connected in Fine?? When you use this and thefine the conviction will be get fines the player automatically?

I’ve gotten it working with es extended 1.2 and kashacters not having any issues with it now except theres no way to file the report of someone. Anyone fixed this yet?

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i dont use [kashacters] how can i make it run?

The submit report button isnt showing up for me after filling out all the info, any fix for this?

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Have you tried the most recent update? I believe it was fixed with that

Yep I just downloaded it

Nice MDT!

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Having the same issue, no submit report option.
Had to change a few sql commands inside server file to make it work without kashacters.

This might be the reason there is no option to sumbit?

Great job, but the calls do not work (they do not appear in the mdt) and I get an error in the console when selecting a car / person after searching (It does not seem to cause any error). Could you tell me which lines to check to see where the failure of the calls may be.


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That would be through the report. When a ticket is issued, the police do have to file paperwork with it.

The fine is not given automatically as there may be cases where a person shouldn’t immediately be fined. You will have to bill them manually.

Like I stated in the original topic, you will have add code to trigger the server-side event when a call comes through so the MDT can register it:

-- Create a new 911 call in the MDT under the 'Calls' tab.
TriggerEvent("mdt:newCall", details --[[string]], caller --[[int]], coords --[[vector3]])

Potentially? I’m yet to look into it but believe it to be because there is an issue with the character object and thus the MDT doesn’t attach a person to the report properly.

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But you just ripped this form a leak.

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Do you have any future update in this mdt?

Oh nice, you’re amazing


I think I’ve figured out why you cannot submit reports. Looking at the esx_identity repository, there originally wasn’t a primary key specified for the characters table in the database. This MDT relies on the use of a primary key in the table.

You will have to execute additional MySQL to add a primary key to the existing characters table.


Aside from bug fixes, I won’t be updating or adding any new features.

isnt that nopixels mdt?

No, it’s simply styled like their old one. The reports page looks completely different and many parts of it are completely different.

It was sold under the impression that it is their MDT and was leaked, when it in fact isn’t. This was designed for ESX and wouldn’t even be compatible with their framework.

Question is there any way to connect this to the fine? and how