ESX LSCustom problem

I have esx_LSCustom and everything work great beside one thing…
I have the script set for mecano only which is good but if they modify one car everything is perfect but if they start modifying another car they just have to enter the LSCustom menu and hit backspace and the second car will be upgraded just like the previous car ! Does anyone have a fix for that ?

But the function : cancelInstallMod
Should be cancelling all mod and not place them …

I’ve been asking for day in their discord, nobody is answering…

You can also try in the original resource’s topic or GitHub repository.

I believe this is the forum topic [esx] ls custom + benny's

yeah I wrote the same thing 2 days ago and still no answer, and still no answer on their discord and nobody ever check the github issues so I am asking here because 80% of people use esx

Here is a video of the problem :

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Do you have solution?

This is 2 years ago i know but i have the same problem, and when the car got tunned like the last one also got sql owner change, you know how to fix that already? thanks!!!

i have the same problem. have anyone a suloution or can help pls ?

Hello Good Afternoon I just found the solution, so it happened to me and how I solved it this happens when there is more than 1 esx_lscustom, the same esx_lscustom conflicts so it happens that the first car you tune and when you go to tune another one it transforms like the first car , removing the other esx_lscustom is fixed . there has to be only 1. Thanks!

I’m having issue’s of lscustom having money in the society account but only letting you do upgrades if u have the money in your inventory, also the money wash with the boss menu won’t work it just eats the dirty money