
otro bueno script dime donde usted conseguiu este inventario estoy a procura de uno como este hace meses

items.sql (112 Bytes)

when i try it’s just saying locked trunk and i have locked my car but not working anyway to fix this

Could you show me if you get an error in the console or F8?

No i dont get any errors

This is similar, since the one we have, is a modification of the original.
Also the developer himself removed it from the platform, it is because I attached this link which is very similar and good.

do you have the item in your hand?

Yes i have the item in my inventory

gracias pero yo necesito un inventario asi tan bueno perdoname por mi espanhol pero gracias por ayuda

yes but you have to use it when opening the trunk

not at all, when you need it.

when i drag it over to use it’s just saying trunk is locked

what do i do

Braa voooooo

The problem with the locked vehicle was fixed, it was also tested on a “localhost” by installing the script from 0 and it works correctly.

Remember to read everything.

@ArneBAR Ready and add the solution, is in "client.lua"

Thanks work now after i updated the script

Uau! Trabalho incrivel! Estou aprendendo a fazer algumas modificações dentro de uma base de teste que tenho, será que vocês poderiam me ajudar com alguns comandos básicos?

Este script no funciona con el HUD orginal de esx_menu_default ???
Solo funcina con el Inventory HUD?

Si, igual lo podemos adaptarlo para los dos :slight_smile:

Pues podrias hacerlo porfa??? esque me encantaria incluirlo en mi server