[ESX Legacy] ESX Multicharacter

Yeah i am and as soon as I enter the info I get this in console, which I wasn’t getting on my home hosted

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job, grade = 'unemployed', '0'
jobObject, gradeObject = ESX.Jobs[job], ESX.Jobs[job].grades[grade]

job and grade aren’t nil, so somehow your ESX.Jobs is.

A Bit confused, so replace line 166 with that?

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That’s line 165/166 which is returning a nil value, somehow.Up to you to find out why, as I cannot reproduce.

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Just a bit weird as in the test server it worked perfectly fine, but alright thank you.

This isn’t anything new or related to the multicharacter - skinchanger always does that to the default danny appearance.

I am just looking through for a update i am going to do for my server to the recommended version of esx. just wanted to ask is legacy the same as v1final or is it higher than v1final and improves some bugs?

I did the easy installer from tx admin for the plume esx is that legacy or v1final just a bit confused here

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v1 Final was the last release, while Legacy is the commits being made after the fact. Overall 1.2 wasn’t out for very long before development stopped and the next project started to be worked on.

It’s been around a year and there were many fixes and optimisations that needed to be made before support is dropped entirely.

Oh okay thank you for that info so i am assuming them the plumeesx installation is legacy then?

Plume does not install the most recent commits so you need to update some resources.

Aside from skin and identity which must be updated for multi character support, there are updates for society and status which resolve major hitches.

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Bug fix

Characters should no longer spawn invisible on creation. There is another bug with the initial sex of the character not being respected - this will be a patch on ESX itself.


It still really amazes me that people ask for specific “resource stuff”…

While they’re too lazy to open the github link and read what the developer has added in his spare time.

Read it through, your answer is literally written there! In fact, if you actually read it, you’ll see that it’s also the most common problem encountered when switching characters ingame…
ing function between characters ? thank you

@Linden Nice work, good release resp +

Ciaoo :crossed_fingers:

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Or somebody can feed you completely false information in response for being ignorant and lazy.

All was working fine until today and got this

That’s only the other players, other then that I’m the only one that can load in and actually play

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Did you remove or modify a job recently or something?

So currently on V1 final just wondering how much work its gonna take to move to Legacy has anyone else done similar?

No, i added one job named esx_mafia

remove esx_mafia from your server.cfg a delete the related database tables for it , and get back with us.


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Try the latest commit, I’ve added job validation.