cabe la posibilidad de que añadas robar a los muertos? Muy bueno el script por cierto
I tried everything really. I still cant make it work.
Blockquote if distance <= 1.5 then
if IsEntityPlayingAnim(searchPlayerPed, 'hands_up_anxious_scientist', 'handsup', 3) or IsEntityDead(searchPlayerPed) or GetEntityHealth(searchPlayerPed) <= 0 then
--if IsEntityPlayingAnim(searchPlayerPed, 'hands_up_anxious_scientist', 'handsup', 3) or IsEntityDead(searchPlayerPed) or GetEntityHealth(searchPlayerPed) <= 0 then
TriggerServerEvent('robo:jugador', target_id, playerheading, playerCoords, playerlocation)
exports['mythic_notify']:DoCustomHudText('error', 'pataasin mo ng kamay bes.')
local dict = "missfbi5ig_22"
while not HasAnimDictLoaded(dict) do
local handsup = false
while true do
if IsControlJustPressed(1, 323) then --Start holding X
if not handsup then
TaskPlayAnim(GetPlayerPed(-1), dict, "hands_up_anxious_scientist", 1.0, 1.5, 0.2, 50, 0.0, 0, 0, 0)
handsup = true
TriggerServerEvent("esx_thief:update", 'handsup')
handsup = false
TriggerServerEvent("esx_thief:update", handsup)
Hello there, can you help me? I want after the search my menu will show up just like in the police how can I do that?
Hello, this script is amazing and works great, good work, however how would I add where you can loot dead players too?
this doesnt work with ESX 1.2 right?
cuz when the player raise his hands up you cannot take his items or money
This doesnt work for me can i please gett some help
Hola, alguien sabe como cambiar el tipo de inventario? para que no funcione únicamente con el inventory_hud, o solo se puede con este?
Can you help me? the Script does not work on my server idk why
can someone help? if the victim moves away from the robber, the inventory does not close and you can pick up items at any distance.
im having an issue with the script im only able to steal guns via the inventory no items though and i have esx_inventoryhud
i can’t search allive people
I Have It Fully Working Best Script +1
the script works for me but whenever i try to drag an item to my inventory it doesnt do anything, everything else works fine though, any help?
Buenas, que script usas para levantar las manos que sea compatible con el script
Not able to use with esx legacy?
hey i cant drag items from the other person inventory
same for me
it says noone has their hands up do i need a hands up script?