ESX l LRP-Steal (Optimized)


How it works! :

1. The victim must have her hands up.
2. The thief must have a gun in his hand, in order to steal.
3. When the thief has a gun in his hand and the victim hands up, the thief must press “ctrl + E” and the process will follow only as shown in the video.
4. Victims will not be able to move for 15 seconds “shock state”, so that the thief can steal and flee.
5. If the thief does not leave within 15 seconds, the victim can defend himself.
6. Remember, everything above is on the role.



2.Inventoryhud “those who still use it”


This script is based on the one I mention below

any questions or comments, don’t forget to do them below.

This was designed to enhance the role of theft. It was created by Shinxd and Karen for LatamRP.


Here I attach these versions of mythic notific and ProgressBar that I use to run the script, in case you need it.

mythic_notify.rar (4.4 KB) progressBars.rar (2.7 KB)

A community stole our work over half a year of programming, the community is called DoblevidaRP, which is why we will be throwing things in the course of days.


Hi, I’m the other creator. If you have any questions or I will consult, we will be here to help.

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very good to inhibit the lack of “love of life”. sorry for english.

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The inventory is called “Esx_Inventoryhud” the script was loosely deleted by the creator for personal reasons, only people who were able to download it before they were to have the inventory, currently it is forbidden to publish it.

The inventory design is its own, for the same theme that the owner said I can’t publish it.

Hola, el script no me va, a veces me dice que no tengo el item necesario, que pasa?

just keeps telling me there is no one nearby or that they dont have their hands up

También me aparece esto, y tengo el progressbar y el mythic_notify actualizado

:+1: download esx_Inventoryhud free

Borra la linea 18 o comentala en el “server.lua”

Es una linea que nos olvidamos sacar cuando terminamos de hacer las pruebas.
Igual ahi subi las versiones de mythic notific and ProgressBar que uso por si las quieres descargar.
El progreesBar lo debes iniciar antes del script.

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you have to be very close to the person.

Updated script and attachments added.

muy bonito skritp

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still wont work says they dont have their hands up

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what animation are you using to raise your hands?, write me your code here…

Muchas gracias! lo probaré cuando regrese a casa, ojalá que ahora sirva😁

    local dict = "missminuteman_1ig_2"
	while not HasAnimDictLoaded(dict) do
    local handsup = false
    local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
	while true do
		if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, true) and IsControlJustPressed(1, 20) then --Start holding X
            if not handsup then
                TaskPlayAnim(GetPlayerPed(-1), dict, "handsup_enter", 8.0, 8.0, -1, 50, 0, false, false, false)
                handsup = true
                handsup = false

I use this animation to raise my hands:

'random@mugging3', 'handsup_standing_base'

it’s in the client.lua

That happens because you have an earlier version of mithyc_notifi I have to customize notifications for that, as well as the bar because I use mithyc_progressbar, if you like, I share you

there I enclose the versions that I use if they wish they can use them and if they cannot adapt it in their own way, it is easy even if it has nothing complicated to adapt.

No me sirve todavía, cuando robo a la persona con las manos en alto no se me abre el segundo inventario, hay alguna solución?

It doesn’t work for me yet, when I steal the person with my hands up, the second inventory is not opened, is there a solution?