ESX_JewelRobbery - Release

This script adds the ability to rob the Vangelico Jewelry Store for a server.


Dependency: esx_jobnumbers


Cases get smashed and broken cases visable by everyone on the server as it happens.

Store can be robbed by multiple players at same time.  No need to shoot to start robbery.
Store can be closed by police after robbery attempt - to keep smash and grab happening over and over.
Store can auto close if not enough police on for a robbery.
If store closes while you are inside a employee will help you outside after explaining the store is closed.

Each weapon that is allow to break glass can have a different break chance percent.
Each Item that can drop from a glass box - can have different drop percent(rare) as well as max amount.

Server is able to set UnAuthJobs that will not be able to rob the Jewerly Store.
Server can set multiple Police Job by name that will receive robbery notification / be able to close store.

Sounds for breaking/failing glass case.  Breaking sound can not be turned off / fail sound can be turned off.

Security feature to keep one box paying out multiple times.

Any questions or comments feel free to send me a msg here and ill respond as soon as i can.



Took a sec to make the github public - should be able to access the github now to dl the script.


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What is the start name for the script? So then i can add it to my server.cfg

what ever you have named the folder it is in. Make sure you read the config… to change the items that it gives out to items in your server… or add the items i used for the defaut config to your item table in your sql.


Lovely script works well keep up the good work

Script works great, excellent job :slight_smile:

Thank you

Works great, thanks!

Hi and thanks for this great looking script.

I got a problem and i hope you can help me with this.

When i break the glass i get this error in console ->

Compairing Its spamming console every second with this too.


Fixed the error. Had to add the items to the database. But the Compairing spam is still there.
Its stops after restarting the script ->

I just notice i left a print in the server for time check on the cool down. I will remove from github now… but all you need to do is goto the server file and search for ’ print ’ and comment that line out.

That is comparing the current time on the server to the time the script needs to reset, i used that while testing to make sure it added the correct amount of time to the reset on the first box break.


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server and commet out the print they are no longer needed

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Hello, are the police notified?

It does have police notify function built into the script yes. It sends out a ESX.ShowNotification once per person if they are breaking cases. There are 2 settings in the config… a % to notify if the case is broken… and another % to notify if the case is not broken. i think default i have it to 25% chance to notify if case is not broken… and 75% chance if the case is broken.


Almost 1000 views… no reports of anything being broken… either no one is trying this script or the testing we did at ScottishLifeRP have sorted all the bugs and it is working as intended. If anyone is running this script and wants to dm me your server info, I would love to come on and talk to your players to see how they like it, if they have any suggestions.


so ive checked it out amazing so far so for police how do they make the store close is there a command or ?

So do we have to have a pawn shop or set something up somewhere to sell the stolen goods?

Working pretty good on my end!


The command to close store is /CloseStore they have to be standing at the store entrance … and the store has to have atleast one case broken to be able to set the store closed.


Yes each server will need to come up with a way to use/sell each item that they get out of the jewelry store. I didn’t want to force a pawnshop or similar setup in the script when a lot of servers already have a way to sell stolen items.


Do you have any script that fulfills this function? Or do you know anyone who does it, I have been searching and not finding. But thanks equally-

If you are asking if i have a script that is designed for selling stolen goods I do not. Most of the servers i have seen so far already have a way to deal with stolen items… but an example might be this script here…

This script has a npc setup to buy the parts that you get from chopping cars. Could use that idea to setup a npc at pawnshop in town to buy stolen items from jewel store as well.


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