How can i remove all of the death fuction from esx. i want that function to be running on RPDeath since the ambulance job like a lot of parts of esx are broken. i have combed through the esx files but cant seem to find it so i can disable the death function. as well im also having an issue with esx perms where it wont allow people to dv a vehicle without being an administrator? any help is apreciated thanks!
I have the same
20 char
Both of you need to ask these questions on the ESX specific thread, not create your own.
There is no “death” functions in ESX. That is handled through baseevents. Base events calls a client event when you die, ESX hooks into that and then handles it’s death from there. The only thing ESX does out of the box if the player dies is prevent them from accessing the inventory. Not sure what “isn’t working” about that for you. As long as you have base events active on your server every should be fine.
As for admins driving vehicles, look into Fax Core - Ace Based Permission System, Including Blacklisting of Cars, Peds & Guns [Fax-Core] [2.1]
Also, like @hallux said, your best bet for ESX-related support is either opening a GitHub issue on the resource in question, asking on the release thread if it exists, or in the ESX Discord.