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_4p = {
Framework = "esx",
events = {
onPlayerLoaded = "esx:playerLoaded",
skin_openSaveableMenu = "esx_skin:openSaveableMenu",
camSettings = {
pos = vector3(859.5269, -675.4059, 379.9067),
lookAt = vector3(631.8866, -713.5724, 345.3714),
fov = 90.0,
lang = "en",
_4p.notify = function(message, source)
if IsDuplicityVersion() then
if _4p.Framework == "esx" then
TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", source, message)
elseif _4p.Framework == "qbcore" then
TriggerClientEvent("QBCore:Notify", source, message)
print("^1[4p-identity] ^3You are using a custom framework, please add a notification function to the config.lua^7")
if _4p.Framework == "esx" then
elseif _4p.Framework == "qbcore" then
print("^1[4p-identity] ^3You are using a custom framework, please add a notification function to the config.lua^7")
_4p.language = {
["en"] = {
firstname_lang = 'Enter your <font style="color: white;">First name</font>',
lastname_lang = 'Enter your <font style="color: white;">Last name</font>',
height_lang = 'Enter your <font style="color: white;">Height</font>',
birthday_lang = 'Enter your <font style="color: white;">Birthday</font>',
gender_lang = 'Choose your <font style="color: white;">Gender</font>',
firstname = 'First name',
lastname = 'Last name',
height = 'Height',
birthday = 'Birthday',
male = 'Male',
female = 'Female',
identity_set = 'Your identity has been set',
identity_failed = 'Failed to set your identity',
identity_not_set = 'You have not set your identity',
enter_your = 'Enter your character <font style="color: #ffd000;">data</font>',
register = 'Register',
description = 'Filling out every input is necessary to continue the character creation process',
complete = 'Complete',
["de"] = {
firstname_lang = 'Gib deinen <font style="color: white;">Vornamen</font> ein',
lastname_lang = 'Gib deinen <font style="color: white;">Nachnamen</font> ein',
height_lang = 'Gib deine <font style="color: white;">Größe</font> ein',
birthday_lang = 'Gib dein <font style="color: white;">Geburtstag</font> ein',
gender_lang = 'Wähle dein <font style="color: white;">Geschlecht</font>',
firstname = 'Vorname',
lastname = 'Nachname',
height = 'Größe',
birthday = 'Geburtstag',
male = 'Männlich',
female = 'Weiblich',
identity_set = 'Deine Identität wurde gesetzt',
identity_failed = 'Fehler beim Setzen deiner Identität',
identity_not_set = 'Du hast deine Identität nicht gesetzt',
enter_your = 'Gib deine Charakter <font style="color: #ffd000;">Daten</font> ein',
register = 'Registrieren',
description = 'Das Ausfüllen jedes Eingabefeldes ist notwendig, um den Charaktererstellungsprozess fortzusetzen',
complete = 'Fertig',
Key Features:
🡂 Esx
🡂 Change Theme Color
🡂 Enter firstname, last name, height, birthday & your gender
🡂 Freecam in background (customizable coordinates)
🡂 change the character image to your own
🡂 enjoy the design
Code is accessible | 50% |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 250 |
Requirements | ESX |
Support | Yes |