[Esx_hunting] How to change the types of money that was add to players?

script: [Release] esx_hunting - Hunt animals and sell meat

I tried to change xPlayer.addMoney to xPlayer.addAccountMoney but it doesn’t work and I can’t sell meats and leathers.

AddEventHandler('esx-qalle-hunting:sell', function()
    local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)

    local MeatPrice = 150
    local LeatherPrice = 80

    local MeatQuantity = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('meat').count
    local LeatherQuantity = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('leather').count

    if MeatQuantity > 0 or LeatherQuantity > 0 then
        xPlayer.addAccountMoney(MeatQuantity * MeatPrice)
        xPlayer.addAccountMoney(LeatherQuantity * LeatherPrice)

        xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('meat', MeatQuantity)
        xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('leather', LeatherQuantity)
        TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', xPlayer.source, 'You sold ' .. LeatherQuantity + MeatQuantity .. ' and earned $' .. LeatherPrice * LeatherQuantity + MeatPrice * MeatQuantity)
        TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', xPlayer.source, 'You don\'t have any meat or leather')

Problem Solve

xPlayer.addAccountMoney('black_money', MeatQuantity * MeatPrice)
xPlayer.addAccountMoney('black_money', LeatherQuantity * LeatherPrice)

and it works.