[ESX] How to remove the blip by pressing on the blip button again?

So basically this is a panic button that displays blip on the map, the police can use it when they need help by pressing f6 to open the menu and then in the menu there is option called panic button and when you press on the panic button there is another options (yes or no). So I plugged the yes option to displays the panic blip on the map but I don’t know how to plug the no option to remove the blip from the map

This is my menu

elseif data.current.value == ‘renfort’ then
local elements = {}
local playerPed = PlayerPedId()

        table.insert(elements, {label = ('yes'), value = 'petite_demande'})
        table.insert(elements, {label = ('no'), value = 'no'})

        ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'renfort', {
            css      = 'police',
            title    = ('are you sure'),
            align    = 'bottom-right',
            elements = elements
        }, function(data2, menu2)
            local coords  = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
            vehicle = ESX.Game.GetVehicleInDirection()
            action  = data2.current.value
            local name = GetPlayerName(PlayerId())

            if action == 'petite_demande' then
                local raison = 'petit'
                TriggerServerEvent('renfort', coords, raison)



        end, function(data2, menu2)


This is my scrip
AddEventHandler(‘renfort:setBlip’, function(coords, raison)

if raison == ‘petit’ then

local blip = AddBlipForRadius(coords , 200.0) -- you can use a higher number for a bigger zone

SetBlipHighDetail(blip, true)
SetBlipColour(blip, 1)
SetBlipAlpha (blip, 128)
SetBlipFlashTimer(blip, 5)
SetBlipFlashes(blip, true)

    PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "Start_Squelch", "CB_RADIO_SFX", 1)
    PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "OOB_Start", "GTAO_FM_Events_Soundset", 1)
    ESX.ShowAdvancedNotification('LSPD INFORMATIONS', '~b~Reinforcement request', 'Request for reinforcement requested.\nRéponse: ~g~Code3\n~w~Importance: ~g~slight.', 'CHAR_CALL911', 8)
    PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "End_Squelch", "CB_RADIO_SFX", 1)
    color = 1



Yeah… you won’t get help without telling us actually how we could help you. Describe the problem in more detail.

So basically this is a panic button that displays blip on the map, the police can use it when they need help by pressing f6 to open the menu and then in the menu there is option called panic button and when you press on the panic button there is another options (yes or no). So I plugged the yes option to displays the panic blip on the map but I don’t know how to plug the no option to remove the blip from the map