[ESX] FzD Banking - Totally customized banking script with many features

this is just bb-banking

BB-Banking looks nothing like this, and this post has been up for a while now, I think if the moderators didnā€™t think that this is my work they would have not allowed it on there site. You do you though!

Please send a copy of your resource to moderators group for review.

The only thing that looks like bb-banking is the css part somewhat, mainly the background and the square shapes lol.

It does however remind me of QBCore banking with BB-banking styles. It looks nicer the way you did it to be honest haha.

Ignore all the haters, They probably download leaked shit. Nice share man, Worth the money fr.

Just an FYI even though it does not say in the thread this posting technically is against the rules as they require you to register on their discord and you do not get a download immediately.

No external downloads. Any resource, free or paid, must be immediately available. For resources provided on Tebex, this means that you must provide a direct download link after purchase. Requiring the user to join a Discord server, enter license tokens, register accounts, or similar to acquire and/or run a resource is not permitted.

How can you access your bank statement? It say on the top where your name and server name would be

This is literary a remake of Realistic Life Banking.

hello is there possibility to use the credit card instead of the /atm? to access the account? thx

Yes this would be very easy to add

Iā€™m not an expert how to do it?

Is there a way of adding a function to press E at ATM rather then /ATM?

just use registeritem and trigger the event for the nearby atms

esx_bisicneeds server side -

ESX. RegisterUsableItem(ā€˜bankcardā€™, function(source)
TriggerEvent(ā€˜angel:bankcardā€™, source)


FzD-Banking, Client Side -

AddEventHandler(ā€˜angel:bankcardā€™, function()
local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed, true)

for i = 1, #Config.ATM do
    local atm = GetClosestObjectOfType(playerCoords.x, playerCoords.y, playerCoords.z, 1.0, Config.ATM[i], false, false, false)
    local atmPos = GetEntityCoords(atm)
    local dist = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(playerCoords.x, playerCoords.y, playerCoords.z, atmPos.x, atmPos.y, atmPos.z, true)
    if dist < 1.5 then


This will make the MS to got really high. Making them script less optimized, not recommend .

1 Like

Ok thank you for the reply.

is the card an actual item? If so, can you give your card to other players to buy stuff with your account?

app for the phone?

Works with GC Phone