[ESX] [Free] SA FFA - the new way to let the players have fun

                                    SA FFA

hey :wave:

Welcome to our stunning FFA Script that comes with a variety of exciting features! Immerse yourself in a unique gaming experience with Discord Webhook, Discord Scoreboard, custom Notify, Clean UI, saves weapons, custom modus, maps and pre-create games and many other great features! :+1:

Here are the features from this script:

  • Discord Webhook
  • Discord Scoreboard (custom time and webhook)
  • Custom Notify (can be disabled)
  • Disable Blips only for FFA
  • Clean Config
  • Saving Player Weapons
  • Clean UI
  • Cam actions (can be disabled)
  • Custom Modes
  • Custom Maps
  • Prebuild Games
  • Disable NPC´s
  • You can add custom Notifys
  • After revive function (you can add custom code that is executed after death example ExecuteCommand('removeTimeout ' ..tostring(source)) )
  • Custom NPC (can be disabled)
  • Custom Blip (can be disabled)
  • Prebuilt Games (you can add FFA games that are always online)
  • Client and Server side config
  • JavaScript config for translation
  • Private and Public Games
  • You can add a password to you custom game
  • You can customize the css, html how ever you want
  • Search map or mode
  • now works with ox inventory
  • Saves Weapons and components after gamecrash (server side)
  • Timer function for every FFA lobby

This script was developed with ESX 1.9
Please use this or higher versions from ESX. All Versions below that can work, but are not tested

for more you can just ask or look at the Config

Here are all infos for script updates


some updates are planned for this script. Such as an admin system so that they can delete or change FFA games and kick players. We are always open to update ideas and if you find any bugs or problems just send me a message :smile:

Here is the Config from the script


Here are some previews for the script. If you want to see more you can just ask on the discord for a life test on my server :heart:


Here is the Preview for the game creation

if this link dont work:


Screenshot 2023-04-05 003119



Create a game:

Here are all infos where you can buy the script

Free download

GitHub - Sander2222/sa_ffa

Code is accessible only css, js, html and config
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 890 Lua 680 JavaScript
Requirements ESX 1.9 or higher, oxmysql
Support Yes

Thank you for reading through the script presentation and have a nice day <3


Very clean NUI, clean code. I’ve been following the development, respect!

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Good work!

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nice ffa script!

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Been using sa_ffa on our own Server since last Friday.
No problems at all and the players love it aswell.


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It’s a pretty good FFA script that the Sander has put out here, I’ve been using the script for a while now and it’s AMAZING.
Even our players are surprised by it and can finally let out their aggressions to each other better without insulting each other away.

We are also very impressed with the UI of the script and so are the players! It looks simply beautiful, is clearly arranged and everyone can handle it well.

I can recommend this script and I hope that Sander will give us many new ones.

My rating:⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ :star::star::star::star::star:/:star::star::star::star::star:

does it support ox inventory support, like is player in ffa keep inventory busy and weapon wheel active,also supprt player owned weapon?

hey, i didnt test it, but i look what i can do and yea the script saves player owned weapons

1 Like

very nice!

SA FFA Update

  • now works with ox inventory
  • little bugfixes

It doesn’t work on Ox inventory cause it opens up the weapon wheel and it’s not letting me holster the gun.

Hey, did you Change the Part in the config and if you join our discord server you get custom Support

Big Update 1.3

  • Fixed Discord Logs
  • You can change the design from the scoreboard webhook (2 designs for now on)
  • Local and bug fixes
  • Weapons get now saved serverside (so you can disconnect while your in a game and if you login you get your weapons back)
  • Now you can add a timer to a FFA game with the UI (Serverside synced)
  • Now you have Spheres for the border (you can set the color and opacity)
  • maybe chezza inventory support

Bis Update 1.4 to 1.6

  • Add a custom Config.AfterDeath function
  • Fixed little bugs in scoreboard
  • now saves weapon components to and saves them after a game crash in ffa
  • some other little bug fixes
  • Deleted some useless prints
  • Fixed some little bugs with the weapon receivement
  • Added Chezza Inventory support (how do enable it just read the readme.md file)

works this with qs-inventory ?

Hey, not at the moment, but you could just try and see If it works

Hi,i have problem,players can’t equip weapon after death in map,i’m using ox_inventory
when i dead i see my weapon is holstered and can’t equip.

how do I add a pistol ffa so that the pistol has a silencer?

atm you cant