Welcome to the PG Scripts - Tsunami Weather Warning System (v1.0)
Thank you for viewing this release! This script plays a large part in alerting players of a Tsunami (Server Restart) is incoming without having players break character to advise eachother that a server restart is about to happen.
The script itself does NOT raise water levels, this is a alert system which is used to notify players when a Tsunami (Server Restart) is coming with some effects & warning sounds. Nothing More… Nothing Less…
This script has been written for the ESX framework servers. We may make this for QBcore but for now I’m quite happy with this just being for ESX framework. This will all depend on the demand.
The script itself relies on TXadmin restart notifications & qs-smartphone, however the script can be adapted to support any FiveM smartphone which has an email facility built into the smartphone.
We feel that £3.00 minimum is a fair price for this amazing script! We’ll look to bring some more free releases to the FiveM community in the near future. We have some plans to release some new YMAPs which will be released for free to the community!
We didn’t ask you to purchase the script! You could always make your own
We also didn’t tell you to purchase the smartphone, you can use any smartphone which has a email feature similar to qs-smartphone.
This was v1.0 and we then reworked the code to v2.0 therefore this is a completely different project.
We also asked the CFX Forum team to remove the old post as we completely re-wrote the codebase.
From what i’ve seen earlier before you took down the description of your v1 script, is that there was only 1 difference between te 2 in terms of “features”, which is camera shakes. So you set a paywall just for that “feature”?
We have actually made some significant code changes within v2.0 and tidied up some of the code.
We’ve removed features from v1.0 which people found annoying / intrusive such as the ped ragdoll.
We’ve also re-worked the email notifications to send different alerts at different times:
Amber Alert (15 minute warning)
Red Alert (10 minute warning)
Critical Alert (1 minute warning)
We are also exploring the options of intergrating water levels, however this is very much work in progress. This script will be getting constant development and changes, and anyone who purchases v2.0 will get the subsequent updates free of charge.
This script won’t be for everyone, however the people that are using the script so far love it! it just depends what you want from the script. I’m not forcing anyone to buy the script, It’s on the CFX forums for people to make their own minds! All I can say is watch this space, we’re going to add some features onto this script which will make it more than just a “alert system”.
But Dude…
No one forcing you to buy, there are people who have already bought the base ( qs smartphone ), and this is like a nice addition, for example, in my situation, I already have a phone, cuz i like qs scripts.
And for me this is a perfect wanna be DLC for such small things as a restart, which however provides a pleasant taste rather than simply alerts all over the screen with text - RESTART AFTER 10 MIN… lol