You can customize the location of every container with just the coords and heading!
2 synchronized scenes! (Container cutting and money picking)
Customize the time the player has to pick the money (Maximum 47933 miliseconds > 47.93 seconds), this is a really nice feature because if someone has to pick a container in the harbor and the police is there fast you can just lower the timer per location in the config!
Discord webhooks for paying and if a hacker gets kicked.
Script debugger, this can be handy if the script wonât start on a particular part. Press F8 and let us know the errors you are getting.
Police notification
Blip customisation
Game build: 2944 VERY IMPORTANT
ESX Legacy
Extra information:
Code accessible: Yes
Subscription based: No
Lines: 700+
Requirements: ESX legacy, ox_target, ox_lib, Game build 2944 or higher
Hello, thanks for making this release for the community!
I have some suggestions: considering you require ox_lib I suggest using the ox lib functions for loading models. (lib.requestModel).
Also: lib.versionCheck can be used on the server in place of what you have now which doesnât really achieve anything (you have two of the same CheckVersion event)