[ESX] [Free] Garage with simple NUI

:red_car: 0garage0 by sum00er :red_car:


  • Display vehicle name, plate and health
  • Garage and impound both included
  • Simple NUI
  • Update: Exports available to integrate with other scripts (e.g. property script), read README on github page for detail


  • es_extended
  • oxmysql

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0garage0 by sum00er


can u convert to qbcore too

havent really touched qbcore yet, will try it when i have time to learn more about qbcore :slight_smile:

Nice :heart:

nice work bro

1 Like

ok thanks

if you need help reach out i can help you. great work!

mysql-async does it have support

This script is written for oxmysql. But you can change the mysql functions so it can work with mysql-async. Or alternatively, you can just install oxmysql. It works with scripts written for mysql-async too.

Ive been thinking about oxmysql… how hard is it to get it set up…

Which cell phone are you using in the esx of the video, could you please pass it to me, I will be grateful

If you mean the preview video I made for the paid version, it’s npwd

sql ???

Parked vehicles arent after restart in the garage.
Using OxMySQL. Any solution?

sql added for the update

not sure what you mean, maybe provide a screenshot?