[ESX][FREE]FS-farming | ox_target + ox_lib | Apple farm

FS-farming| OX_target based farming script


- 0.01 ms Idle (Optimized)

- Extended config

- Full support

- Built-in trigger protection


  • ox_target
  • ox_lib

TEBEX (Extra discord support):
Download here
(price will get higher since we continue updating!)

Direct download
fs-farming.zip (5.4 KB)

PREVIEW: Youtube

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 450
Requirements ox_target + ox_lib
Support Yes

Dope + Free, Thank you!

  • love you didnt make it dependent on ox inventory alongside everything else.
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Thanks! appreciate your feedback!

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this script only has support for esx

Yes it currently only supports esx.

you forgot to put that in the title

Thanks! changed it

nice work bro

thanks! Appreciate ir, anny suggestions for upcoming scripts?

Hi, you can change the items needed and the rewarded items in the config