[ESX] [FREE] Custom cooking script

Hello :wave:, I present to you my own custom cooking script! :man_cook:
Like a good cook, you have to know the procedures. :open_book:
If you know how to cook, you are in the right place!
But if you don’t know them, don’t despair! The chef will help you and advise you on the recipe!

• Seamless Integration: Built for ESX, my script seamlessly fits into your server’s framework.
• Extensive Configuration: Fine-tune every aspect - set job, adjust coordinates for
‎ ‎ ‎ NPC, cooking, and NPC for recepies.


UPDATE 1.0.1 - 31.10.2023

Add ox-target

If you want use OX TARGET and don’t use buttons like ‘E’, ‘G’ etc.
Remove those lines: from 38 to 92 in client/main.lua.

You can download update here • GITHUB DOWNLOAD FREE


Any ox target/ox lib support?

Hello, this script hasn’t got ox support.
It was my first script so maybe in future in next update.

Good. Make him walk away instead of disappearing?

Thank you! :fire:
Good idea, I will try to do in next update :man_cook:

Looking good… I am going to keep watching this.

Thank you! :fire::saluting_face:

Hello, I made an update today and added ox target support.
Check it out!

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Ox_lib context menu as well?

No, today I will add ox_memu.