[ESX] Fleeca Bank Heists

This is just amazing

You have the wrong version of mythic_notify mate.

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So, i am trying the heist and when i start the id card section my character just stands in one place and i cant move or do anything anymore… i have to end up disconnecting… Help?

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installed with no errors but then i press E nothing happens, am I missing something?:

You haven’t ran the sql file so you do not have the items

I do tho

still nothing

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Have you restarted the server after running the sql so the items exist ingame?

im getting this error

i have the newest verson of mythic_notify

yeah a few times and nothing, i see no error in my console either, i’m at a loss

You have items on you or?

Try changing the item you need to bread and water in the server file

I got it to work, just made the items purchasable :sunglasses:

how can i trigger mhacking on using cards and if success then only door opens @utkuali

please help

You ever able to find out a solution to this issue? I’m encountering the same one.

Very nice script, but when I unlock the door there aren’t money in there, neither progressbars appear when I interact with the doors

Your Mythic exports should look like this… exports[“mythic_notify”]:DoCustomHudText(“error”, arg)

Thats probably because ur exports are wrong and then script cant function

This is my client.lua, I think exports are okay

If you use original code everything should work and if you use progressBars and mythic_notify… make sure you have right versions of these resources… If you have both of them and this doesnt work… dm me

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the door wont open after using the card any idea why @masterminder

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