0fishing0 by sum00er
Inspired by the fishing feature in Ragnarok Online, I have created this script so we can fish with much fun in FiveM!! This is my first script I sell, though not the first one I created. Hope this script can bring joy to you.
Get the script
- fish on specific site, or anywhere facing water body
- minigame
- time boost when raining
- fishing club: buy tools, sell fish, and fish mount with rank
- many config items
Config = {}
Config.oldESX = false --set this to true if you need to trigger esx:getSharedObject (which is deprecated in newer versions) in script
Config.OxInventory = true
Config.weight = true --if false that means you are using limit system
Config.MoneyAsItem = false --set it to true to use add/removeinventoryitem, instead of add/removemoney
Config.MoneyItemName = '' --put in the item name of money if above is set to true
Config.OxmySQL = true --set inly ox or async to true, dont set both true
Config.MySQLAsync = false
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.drawTextFont = 0 --for SetTextFont native
Config.FishingScene = 'WORLD_HUMAN_STAND_FISHING' --List of scenarioNames: pastebin.com/6mrYTdQv
Config.notify = function(msg)
ESX.ShowNotification(msg) --you can change to your notification exports here, default ESX notify
----- Settings -----
Config.RemoveBait = 50 ---1-100, chance removing the bait when a fish is caught
Config.RemoveRod = 20 ---1-100, chance breaking the rod when a fish is caught
--keys: see https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/
Config.FishingKey = 38 --default E
Config.CancellKey = 73 --default X
--fishing time
Config.MaxTime = 10 --in sec
Config.MinTime = 5 --in sec
Config.RainBoost = true
Config.RainBoostMultiplier = 0.5
--fishing site
Config.EnableFishingSite = true --if false, player can fish wherever facing water
Config.EnableFishingClub = true
--set display to false if fishing site is disabled
Config.FishingSite = {
Blip = {
Display = true,
Sprite = 317,
Color = 18,
Scale = 0.8,
Text = 'Fishing Point'
Pos = { --you can have multiple sites
vector3(-3362.5, 967.54, 8.29),
vector3(-1596.75, 5228.56, 3.97),
MinDist = 100.0 --area size
Config.FishingClub = {
Blip = {
Display = true,
Sprite = 317,
Color = 18,
Scale = 0.8,
Text = 'Fishing Club'
Pos = { --you can have multiple sites
vector3(-3411.84, 961.17, 8.35),
vector3(-1592.9, 5203.37, 4.31),
MinDist = 2.0 --area size
--item names (should be in your database)
Config.FishingRod = 'fishingrod'
Config.Bait = {
-- ['baitname'] = {
-- 'fish1',
-- 'fish2',
-- 'fish3'
-- },
['bait'] = {
['turtle_bait'] = {
['turtle'] = {
Config.ClubBuy = {
{item = 'fishingrod', label = 'fishing rod', price = 100},
{item = 'bait', label = 'bait', price = 100},
{item = 'turtle_bait', label = 'turtle bait', price = 100},
Config.ClubSell = {
{item = 'carp', label = 'carp', price = 1000},
{item = 'catfish', label = 'catfish', price = 1000},
{item = 'turtle', label = 'turtle', price = 2000},
{item = 'snapper', label = 'snapper', price = 2000},
{item = 'shark', label = 'shark', price = 5000},
{item = 'tuna', label = 'tuna', price = 5000},
Config.ClubMount = {
useIdentity = true,
unit = 'cm',
minLength = 94,
maxLength = 245,
price = 100, --the final price will be multiplied by the length
fishAllowed = {'shark', 'tuna'},
- ESX (legacy or older versions are both supported)
- Oxmysql / Mysql-Async (for the ranking system, you donβt need it if you disable fishing club)
You have to run the sql file when installing the script.
Code is accessible | Config & locale only |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 900 |
Requirements | es_extended, Oxmysql/Mysql-Async |
Support | Yes |