[ESX] esx_subway

[ESX] esx_subway

Hello everyone…

I’m here to present a simple job.

    • Company garage
    • Business management menu
    • Take items via props

:arrow_right: GitHub

:video_camera: Video

:point_right: [MLO]Subway Restaurant | FREE - FiveM Resource Development & Modding / Releases - Cfx.re Community

Add this to the file: ox_inventory\data\items.lua

  coords = vec3(-1256.740234, -278.990112, 37.353382),
  target = {
    loc = vec3(-1256.740234, -278.990112, 37.353382),
    length = 0.6,
    width = 1.8,
    heading = 340,
    minZ = 36.35,
    maxZ = 38.35,
    label = 'Open personal locker'
  name = 'subwaylocker',
  label = 'Personal Locker',
  owner = false,
  slots = 70,
  weight = 70000,
  groups = {['subway'] = 0}
Add this to the file: ox_inventory\data\items.lua

['cola'] = {
   	label = 'eCola',
   	weight = 350,
   	client = {
   		status = { thirst = 200000 },
   		anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop_bottle' },
   		prop = { model = `prop_ecola_can`, pos = vec3(0.01, 0.01, 0.06), rot = vec3(5.0, 5.0, -180.5) },
   		usetime = 2500,
   		notification = 'You quenched your thirst with cola'
   ['coffee'] = {
   	label = 'Coffee',
   	weight = 350,
   	client = {
   		status = { thirst = 200000 },
   		anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop_bottle' },
   		prop = { model = `p_amb_coffeecup_01`, pos = vec3(0.01, 0.01, 0.06), rot = vec3(5.0, 5.0, -180.5) },
   		usetime = 2500,
   		notification = 'You quenched your thirst with coffee'

   ['milkshake'] = {
   	label = 'Milkshake',
   	weight = 350,
   	client = {
   		status = { thirst = 200000 },
   		anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop_bottle' },
   		prop = { model = `prop_food_cb_coffee`, pos = vec3(0.01, 0.01, 0.06), rot = vec3(5.0, 5.0, -180.5) },
   		usetime = 2500,
   		notification = 'You quenched your thirst with milkshake'

   ['orangejuice'] = {
   	label = 'Orange juice',
   	weight = 350,
   	client = {
   		status = { thirst = 200000 },
   		anim = { dict = 'mp_player_intdrink', clip = 'loop_bottle' },
   		prop = { model = `prop_food_cb_juice02`, pos = vec3(0.01, 0.01, 0.06), rot = vec3(5.0, 5.0, -180.5) },
   		usetime = 2500,
   		notification = 'You quenched your thirst with orange juice'

Tested on ESX Legacy 1.7.5


This text will be hidden


github page isn’t working

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Ah, i write “esx_subwayt”, it’s “esx_subway”…

I edit the post now, thank’s mate.

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thank you bro

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good work

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Thanks for making the script free

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Good job

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Thanks :heart:

More script coming… Always free :wink:

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Thanks Work for lagacy

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Great release ! Folks need more free releases instead of bs paid stuff !


thnak you bro

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Can we use this with btarget?

Now supports ox_target

hi where is the script ? can you reupload it ?

Hi, i stop make free scripts.

This script isn’t working for me

hello, the github page isn’t working do you mind reuploading it?

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Look now.

It’s archived, i don’t provide any support on this script.

yeah, and that’s fine. Files would be great too, your choice. Sorry for taking your time.

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No problem my friend :smiley: