[ESX] esx_interact

Hello everyone…

I’m here to present an interaction system based on the basic functions of esx_policejob. Working with “ox_target”, you can interact with other players.

  • System to search other player’s inventory
  • Handcuff
  • Putting on and taking off the vehicle
  • You can send invoices, the script detects the job you have

If you are a police you need the item “handcuffs”, if you are not a police you will need the item “rope”.

:arrow_right: GitHub

:video_camera: Video

Add this to the file: ox_inventory\data\items.lua

['handcuffs'] = {
	label = 'Menottes',
	weight = 10,
	stack = false,
	consume = 0

['rope'] = {
	label = 'Corde',
	weight = 10,
	stack = false,
	consume = 0

After adding each item in the shops you want: ox_inventory\data\shops.lua

Tested on ESX Legacy 1.7.5


would you be able to assist making this work for us, we are using a handcuffing script and escort script

I realized that the escort option would be missing

i mean if i can add my own /comands as a option that would be easy

It’s normal, since in my opinion it’s something that doesn’t exist in real life.

no but you would be able to grab them when there standing there

as with a /carry you say

I would like it to have that option, could it be implemented?

1 Like

i hope it could be

could you add quasar inventory support

thank ypu broo

3 things :slight_smile:

firstly: super cool script and thank you

secondly: does this also work with qs_inventory?
Thirdly: possible to add an animation to the handcuff that you can see, for example. in a group who arrests you? I have the problem that “fun” is often done here and no one knows who arrested them when

Nice and yeah, you should add animation to handcuff and searching, i saw many people working on target systems now, keep the good job, probabbly you can make for all the jobs “ems,mechanic”, radial menu is old now, so mostly should use target system.

Line 91

exports.ox_inventory:openInventory(‘player’, GetPlayerServerId(NetworkGetPlayerIndexFromPed(data.entity)))


TriggerServerEvent(“inventory:server:OpenInventory”, “otherplayer”, GetPlayerServerId(NetworkGetPlayerIndexFromPed(data.entity)))



  • You can send invoices, the script detects the job you have




Is there how I can add when it is dead, can it be searched?

Look github, i add this :wink:

yes thanks


We have a problem with invoices. Any job can create invoices for any players. Is there a way to limit the option to create invoices to specific jobs?
Additionaly would be really useful to have an option to the player receiving the invoice to accept or reject it.

can you make log for this script ?