Hey guys,
today I want to present my Advanced Shot-Spotter System for ESX.
Features :
- Easy to configure
- Job Whitelist (You can enter Jobs, which should be able to see the Shot Spotter Notification and Blip)
- If a weapon is equipped with a suppressor, it wont be detected
- Weapon Blacklist
- Picture Notification (Changable Image/Title/Sutitle/Message)
Showcase Video:
YouTube Preview
The script comes with a language config, so you can set up this script in any language you want. English, German and French configuration is already there.
Code is accessible | No (only Config, Working with Keymaster) |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 280 Lines |
Requirements | ESX |
Support | Yes on Discord |
ESX v.1.1, ESX v.1.2 and ESX v.1 final and ESX-legacy are supported.
Config File:
Config File
Config = {}
Translation = {}
Config.Locale = "en" -- Current available de/en/fr
Config.AutorizedJobs = {'police'} -- Add more if you want
Config.BlipSettings = {
FirstBlip = {
Sprite = 161, -- First Blip | More Blips --> https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/#blips
Color = 1, -- Default 1 = Red | More Colors https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/#blip-colors
BlipRadius = 1000.0,
SecondBlip = {
DetectionTime = 12000, --Sets the time the blip will remain on the map after a gunshot is detected. (In milliseconds)
Sprite = 459, -- Second Blip | More Blips --> https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/#blips
Color = 1, -- Default 1 = Red | More Colors https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/#blip-colors
BlipRadius = 150.0,
RemoveBlips = 100000 -- Specifies the time when the blips should be removed. (In milliseconds)
Config.NotifyTime = 10 -- Specifies the time after the shots when the Notify should show up (In milliseconds)
Config.NotifyCooldown = 80000 -- The time in which no new notifications are shown in the zone if you get too many in a row. (In milliseconds)
Config.NotifyPicture = "CHAR_CALL911" -- Insert your Picture ID here. You can find more pictures here --> https://wiki.■■■■■■■■■■■/index.php?title=Notification_Pictures
Config.Notify = function(icon, message, title, subtitle, type, time) -- Configure your Notification Events (This is the default ESX Picture Notification )
icon = icon or ""
message = message or "No Input"
title = title or "No Input"
subtitle = subtitle or "No Input"
type = type or "info"
time = time or 3000
if IsDuplicityVersion() then
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, icon, message, title, subtitle, type, time) -- Server Side
ESX.ShowAdvancedNotification(title, subtitle, message, icon) -- Client Side
Config.ShowSubtitle = true -- True if you want to show the Subtitle of the Notification
Config.SoundOptions = { -- If you Disable both it won´t play a sound
Default = true,
Custom = false,
CustomSettings = { --Insert your Sound Names -- Find your sound here --> https://wiki.■■■■■■■■■■■/index.php?title=FrontEndSoundlist
SoundName = "TIMER_STOP", ---> Sound Name from Table "SoundName"
SoundSetName = "HUD_MINI_GAME_SOUNDSET" ---> Sound Name from Table "SoundSetName"
-- Blacklisted Weapons which won´t be detected.
Config.BlacklistedWeapons = {
Translation = { -- Feel free to contact me on discord if you want to share more Translation. --> Mainhattan#9673
['de'] = {
['ShotNotificationTitle'] = 'NOTRUF',
['ShotNotificationSubtitle'] = 'Schüsse gemeldet',
['ShotNotificationMessage1'] = 'Es wurden Schüsse in der Nähe gemeldet!',
['ShotNotificationMessage2'] = '~n~Standort: ~n~~y~',
['ShotNotificationMessageSpacer'] = ' / ',
['en'] = {
['ShotNotificationTitle'] = 'DISPATCH',
['ShotNotificationSubtitle'] = 'Shots reported',
['ShotNotificationMessage1'] = 'Shots have been reported nearby!',
['ShotNotificationMessage2'] = '~n~Location: ~n~~y~',
['ShotNotificationMessageSpacer'] = ' / ',
['fr'] = {
['ShotNotificationTitle'] = 'EXPÉDITION',
['ShotNotificationSubtitle'] = 'Coups de feu signalés',
['ShotNotificationMessage1'] = 'Des coups de feu ont été signalés à proximité !',
['ShotNotificationMessage2'] = '~n~Emplacement: ~n~~y~',
['ShotNotificationMessageSpacer'] = ' / ',
Update - 1.1 - Blip Creation fixed
- Blip Creation fixed (now really only the authorized jobs can see the blip)
Update - 1.2 - Custom Notification
- From now on you are able to use custom notifications for your Shot-Spotter.
You can configure the Notification Events in the config file.
This script is no longer supported by Mainhatten Scripts.
Mainhatten Scripts → CLOSED
The new version of the script can be found here:
→ Discord: Discord