[ESX-Edit] Trew HUD UI - A version with TokoVOIP and Postals

Original version: [RELEASE] TREW HUD UI - A lightweight HUD for ESX, VRP AND VRPEX

This is the original version with TokoVOIP support only and postal support.
You cannot use this if you don’t have TokoVOIP.

The postal script is a copy of [Release] Nearest Postal Script embeded into the UI.

Inspiration for TokoVOIP support was from Disc-HUD

You must have mythic_notify for the notifications to work!

My version

  • Adds TokoVOIP Support
  • Adds postal to the UI with the command
  • Adds mythic_progbar when using the seatbelt (might improve)
  • Removes UI on death


No idea if this is against the Release rules. I have given credit where due. This is ESX only, I won’t add any other framework support. The resmon is pretty high for the script, if you have any fixes, optimizations or additions, make a pull request so I can apply it.

Thank you.

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