[esx] duffle bag [ox]

Duffle Bag Item and Prop

How does it work?

When you have the item in your inventory, you will be wearing the duffel prop and its storage

0.00 ms


  1. ESX




Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 53
Support Yes
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How many lines of code, you’re required to put that in the release template.

Isn’t this literally just built into Ox Inventory?


you do know Wasabi already released this right?.. for FREE


With mine you only have to add line with ox_inventory

if you don’t care don’t buy it

if you don’t care don’t buy it

Are you trying to be funny, you’re breaking the release rules. You must include how many lines of code this resource has without counting the dependencies.

You got me beat. I have one table to insert into inventory:

['backpack'] = {
	label = 'Backpack',
	weight = 220,
	stack = false,
	consume = 0,
	client = {
		export = 'wasabi_backpack.openBackpack'

Guess that why yours is $5 and mine is free. :slight_smile:

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['backpack'] = { label = 'Backpack', weight = 220, stack = false, consume = 0, client = { export = 'wasabi_backpack.openBackpack' }},

You can change it to paid now.

this is for the item, but not for wearing the duffel bag

this is for the item, but not for wearing the duffel bag…but if you prefer add other resources to your server

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now I have added the number of lines

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Mmmm, Yes yours will be like this:

    ['dufflebag'] = {
        label = 'Duffle Bag',
        weight = 220,
        stack = false,
        consume = 0,
        client = {
            add = function(total)
                if total > 0 then
                    SetPedComponentVariation(cache.ped, 5, 82, 0, 0);
            remove = function(total)
                if total < 1 then
                    SetPedComponentVariation(cache.ped, 5, 0, 0, 0);


  Items.containers = {
	['dufflebag'] = {
		size = {8, 9000},
		blacklist = {
			['dufflebag'] = true -- No bags in bags!

mmh…not really

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53 lines for $6 no wonder you didn’t include the amount of lines at first

You only really need 15

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V2 of script coming soon. Optimized 15 line version.