[ESX] Carshowroom / Citizen Check Price

Hello, this is a script that makes everyone able to check the prices for the vehicles ingame. Instead of the cardealers to say the price each time.

Credits: esx_vehicleshop, the script is made out of vehicleshop. You will need vehicleshop!


esx_carshowroom.rar (35.8 KB)

Easy Configurable with Swedish and English translations, if you want to change the price its multiplied in its in the config.



I have to check this later… :crazy_face:

Works amazing!
Post must be at least 20 characters

If want the car to show 20% more than the cardealer will buy the car. Config.Price = 1.2 didn´t work at all.

Thanks, fixed.

possible to share the food and water gui :O?

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dont work you cant teleport back to the cardealer shop

Im pretty sure you can, at the elevator

Yo can you send the hunger and thisrt to me on discord

Discord: Erkan#3493

When you see your own car in the Carshowroom, everything hangs!

Excuse my English.

Changing translation to en does not work! Can you update? Correction It’s only the elevator and the door!

When i go in to check the showroom my character gets invisible and i can’t move more after that

How can I disable the price check so only the car shows without a price?
Do i set the Config.Price = x to 0 or…?

Can someone help im not able to drag esx_vehicleshop.sql to my database it comes up with a error

how to show the vehicle only in the showroom?

When I go in the showroom my player become invisible and I can’t see any car or menu…

I fixed this error by overriding this

for i=1, #Categories, 1 do
vehiclesByCategory[Categories[i].name] = {}

for i=1, #Vehicles, 1 do
table.insert(vehiclesByCategory[Vehicles[i].category], Vehicles[i])

for i=1, #Categories, 1 do
local category = Categories[i]
local categoryVehicles = vehiclesByCategory[category.name]
local options = {}

for j=1, #categoryVehicles, 1 do
  local vehicle = categoryVehicles[j]

  if i == 1 and j == 1 then
    firstVehicleData = vehicle

  table.insert(options, vehicle.name .. ' ')

I put it in place instead

for i=1, #Categories, 1 do
vehiclesByCategory[Categories[i].name] = {}

for i=1, #Vehicles, 1 do
	if IsModelInCdimage(GetHashKey(Vehicles[i].model)) then
		table.insert(vehiclesByCategory[Vehicles[i].category], Vehicles[i])
		print(('esx_vehicleshop: vehicle "%s" does not exist'):format(Vehicles[i].model))

for i=1, #Categories, 1 do
	local category         = Categories[i]
	local categoryVehicles = vehiclesByCategory[category.name]
	local options          = {}

	for j=1, #categoryVehicles, 1 do
		local vehicle = categoryVehicles[j]

		if i == 1 and j == 1 then
    firstVehicleData = vehicle

  table.insert(options, vehicle.name .. ' ')

Making this substitution, solved the problem

I am sorry my english skills are bad

Sorry, maybe I’m stupid but I’m not understanding what you replaced with what lol

When i try to buy a car it tells me to contact the car dealer , I have disabled that…any fix ?

i added ymap for cardealer i want to move xyz for


in line 26 go down

every time i change it to another place in new place cardealer ymap
but its not working ? any idea ? sir !