[ESX] Car Lock / Vehicle Lock + Notification

Welcome to my Car Lock / Vehicle Lock with notification script.


  • Open Car
  • Close Car
  • Trunk Open
  • Trunk Close
  • Engine On
  • Engine Off
  • Vehicle -/ Car Lock + Notification (Like in Video)
  • Configurable
  • Open Source (No escrow protection)
Language Support
  • DE
  • EN


  • ESX (Every Version Support)

Buy(11.89€/Open Source): Tebex Link
Video: Showcase


Is this escrow protected?

1 Like

no, it’s open source. :slight_smile:

Great :smiley:

open source definition: denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.

It’s not open source, it’s not escrow protected

sure, it is open source if someone buy the script. Then you are free to change the code. This is the meaning of open source.

link broken

now it works :slight_smile:

It’s not open source and there are shared objects I can’t remove from script causing errors. Shared objects are outdated.