[ESX] Bounty

[ESX] Bounty

A custom bounty hunting script.

Our team developed a custom UI which has 3 different action menus. Add Bounty (Make an Offer), Remove Bounty (Pay off an active Bounty) and View Bounty List (View active Bounties). Killing a player that has a bounty results taking the reward while removing a bounty from a player results paying off the reward.


1. Different UI Action Menus (Add, Remove, List).
2. Buttons (Back, Close, Add Bounty, Remove Bounty, Bounty List).
3. In order to remove a bounty you need to pay it off.
4. When a “WANTED” player gets killed, the killer receives the reward.
5. Chat messages (Killer, Victim, Received reward, Distance).
6. Database Saves (Steam Id, Name, Reward) - Server Restart will NOT clear the List.
7. Offline players not displayed.
8. Low CPU Usage (0.00ms outside the marker zone).
9. No Bugs/Exploits.


1. Lowest Reward (The lowest reward allowed to add a bounty).
2. Blip, Zone and NPC Configurations.
3. Display ESX Character Name or Steam Name.

The script is compatible with ESX 1.2 Final and ESX Legacy.

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PRICE: 19.99€

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 300
Requirements None
Support Yes
Built on ESX 1.2 and ESX Legacy