[ESX] Boss Menu | Manage your business easily [PAID]

Nice, clear and optimized faction boss menu, written in Vuejs to provide the best user experience.

  • Created for 2 jobs system (I can help with deleting this option if you don’t use it).
  • Works with offduty.
  • Optimalized.
  • Almost plug and play.
  • Easy to use
  • Clear
  • Open Source

Preview link: ​[ESX] Boss Menu | Manage your business easily

Buy it heve → Tebex

My other resources
Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ± 1500
Requirements ESX framework
Support Yes

Looks oddly close to my exact UI Design?

Especially considering that you say it’s written in vuejs, which my old bossmenu UI was written in aswell (Vue 2 cdn)

Hmm, I think i’ve seen your script on YouTube and i really liked your design but I didnt’t find it on fivem, and i thought you only did showcase. Script id fully created by me and made from scratch, no others code was used. If you have any doubts, we can arrange meeting on discord and i can show you code line by line to prove you that i didn’t use your code. But still if you like me to delete that, no problem, just let me know!