[ESX] Ai Helicopter Support

A nice addition to your roleplay server! Perfect for populating RP scenes and police chases and ambulance scenes when no pilots or ambulance staff are online!

Lots more functionality coming in future updates like scan and detect modes etc!!



okoknotify or default esx notifications
Add-on vehicles



heli 1 = Police Helicopter support (overhead coverage)

The helicopter will fly to your position and hover above illuminating the area around you until instructed otherwise.

-Press Y when aiming at target vehicle to lock the Helicopter onto the target and it will begin to follow whilst pinging you updates with vehicle speed heading and location. Also add a red flashing blip to the map of the fleeing vehicle whilst the helicopter is tracking.

heli 2 = Air Ambulance support (Helicopter lands and ped brings items to scene - item is configurable)

-Press E on the ped to receive items

-Press Y when aiming at dead player to make ped go to and revive them with animations. (uses esx_ambulancejob)

heli 3 = Air Ambulance Extraction (Helicopter lands at the scene and awaits your entry and prompt E before flying you to pillbox hill hospital roof )

-Press E when inside the aircraft to have it deliver you to pillbox hospital helipad.

For both commands Heli 2 & 3 the helicopter will land at the position you are standing in when you use the command so use it wisely!

helisd = stand down the helicopter from all scenarios.


Coming Soon:

Support for other frameworks

More config options

More functionality and commands already being worked on

Support for more notification scripts

Support to tie into multiple dispatch and radio scripts

Purchase (£9.99)

| Code is accessible     |         No          |
| Subscription-based     |         No          |
| Lines (approximately)  |         1200+       |
| Requirements           |         ESX         |
| Support                |         Yes         |


will be on here shortly…

looking forward to seeing a preview video!

I just bought this Now… testing later when got home i Will give Feedback.

Thanks buddy i am already flying through V.2 and will be updating the release v soon with even more features… If there is anything you would like to see let me know!!

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ok i tried on a old extended v1 all working fine, when i try on legacy i cant make it work, it gives me this error

is it possible to make it work on legacy it would be nice mate.

Absolutely! Update will be up as soon as i get home apologies for not being clear about version in the post!

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its fine, i love your script.

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still would like to see a video.

We currently use a script where an ambulance comes, paramedic ped gets a stretcher out, and picks up the dead body and puts on the stretcher, then drives dead player to hospital - where it drops them off (then bills the player for a revive).

It however has MAJOR problems with the peds crashing into random stuff, and also not despawning when they are suppose to, leaving a ton of ambulances and peds around the map.

Have you had any of the above mentioned issues, in your script?

Additionally, is the helicopter smart enough not to slam into a tree to try and land and get the dead player?

Sorry for the delay with the video preview i will have it up in a few hours got a little side tracked adding compatibility and some new features etc.

The ped’s and vehicles are de-spawning as intended thus far no reports so far…

I have also tried to account for obstacles with the helicopters they are scripted to go straight up to a set height before attempting to go to set coordinates, the landings are also handled the same way they go to the target coords at good height before landing straight downwards - they also will not land on top of an object or ped.

At present the helicopter extraction side of this script is intended for a live player to to call in an extraction to take themselves or others from hard to reach places or similar, to the hospital and isn’t scripted to pick a dead player up and transport them, this is down to the landing coordinates of the helicopter which are marked at the spot where you use the callout command. (i.e you need to find a clear area for the heli to land before callout)

The second Heli command however does also land and provide a ped that you can then aim at a dead player and get them to go over and revive them with anims etc. Ill get the video up ASAP.

Video preview added!

When is standalone coming? : D

great looking script cool idea!

Is still in development? Is QBcore coming?

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I wish this was qbcore as well. Im looking to make something since i cant find anything else similar