💊 [ESX][QB-Core] Drugs Creator - All-In-One In-Game Admin Menu for Drug Harvesting, Crafting, Selling, and Use

Update 2.1

  • Added option to not lose ingredient item when crafting (so you can create recipes with tools that won’t be lost on use)
  • Added 2 new effects to drugs

Update 3.0

  • NPCs will look at you when selling
  • Added gangster NPCs, if you try to sell drugs to them, they will attack you
  • Added the chance of being robbed when selling to NPCs, you can get your drug back by killing the thief
  • Added the chance that a normal NPCs has a knife and can attack you
  • Added new sell method: narcos. An NPC will appear in a random position and he will change his location each 2 hours (can be changed). Each time the NPC changes location, he will ask for a different drug and different amount

Update 3.1

  • Added option to drugs “canBeUsed”, so now it will be possible to decide if a drug can be used or not
  • Added perfect recipe item, now you can decide that if the recipe is perfect to give a different item than the normal drug, for example a drug that worth more
  • Added markers for ingredients, can be enabled / disabled in cl_config.lua
  • Added new assuming method: ‘needle’
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Update 3.2

  • Improved NPC selling (sometimes it didn’t work properly)
  • Now it’s possible to define a minimum and maximum price for the drugs
  • Fixed a bug of boat and plane selling
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Update 3.3

  • Fixed that players were able to sell drugs to narcos npc as if was a normal NPC
  • Fixed narcos NPC that used to try attacking the player if provoked
  • Added in sv_config.lua a chance which police gets notified when the player sells drug to narcos (default it’s 0%, so police will never be notified when selling to the narcos, you can change it)

Update 3.4

  • Fixed NPC for Jobs Creator marker peds
  • Added the possibilty to input the quantity of the ingredients in laboratories, now you can both use the slider or press ENTER to input the amount

Update 3.5

  • Fixed the smoke when crafting that wasn’t lasting enough if the crafting time was long
  • Added random smoke colors
  • Now it’s not possible to spam the use of drugs, there will be a cooldown of 5 seconds to prevent players from spamming it

Update 3.6

  • Added discord logs
  • Added logs for ingredients harvesting
  • Added logs for drugs crafting
  • Added logs for plane and boat selling
  • Added logs for NPCs selling
  • Added logs for narcos selling
    (Logs can be split into several webhooks)
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Would it be possible to add a set limit of drugs that can be sold per restart? So once they reach say 200 drugs sold to NPCs, they can’t sell anymore until a server restart?


Yes that’s a good idea


Nice job :smiley:

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Thank you very much


can I create drug labs anywhere? Can I harvest weed? Are there images for drugs included?

Good morning

Yes you can create labs anywhere you want

Yes you can add as many ingredients as you want in any location as well as many drugs as you want

Yes, they are not in the download but a user shared great images for drugs and tools in our discord

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Update 3.7

  • Fixed that users could stop the crafting and start it again, allowing them to create drugs faster
  • Fixed the use of drugs in vehicles
  • Added a maximum quantity of drugs players can sell to NPCs each server/script restart. Default it’s 200 and it can be changed in sv_config.lua in ‘config.maxNPCsSellableDrugQuantity’
  • Added the possibility to make the narcos buy drugs only once per location change
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Suggestion for advanced drugs, its possible to add like 5 or more npcs around map in X coords and then, they buy only drug from time to time like 23:00-4:00 they buy X ammount of drugs every X hours via database synchro.

Example you got 2000 coke, so you go meet George but he doesnt buy, he just buy drugs from 23:00 to 3:00, then he accept ur deal and just buy 500 units, you must go now find John an sell him from 3:00 to 7:00 other 700 units, and after purchase been done he wont buy more drug until next time he’s ready to make deals.

Update 3.8

  • Added new selling method: pushers
  • You can configure pushers so they will only be available in specific hours in the day
  • You can set a chance that police will be called when selling to pushers (default 20%)
  • You can configure a maximum quantity of drugs pushers will buy from a player, it will reset the next day or on the next script/server restart
  • You can add infinite pushers in any location you want
  • All pushers can buy different drugs and you can choose if they can buy all drugs you defined for them or only a random one each time

i would like players to be ale to grow weed anywhere and bring it to labs for processing after. Is that possible with this script?

Hi, unfortunately there is no a plant and grow feature, but you can use any item you want in the labs and add harvesting points wherever you want :+1:

would be cool to see a police alert if someone adds the wrong ingredients to the drug lab, Drug Lab Explosion reported in the area

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