i have had no problems with vRP so far at all. The help they provide is also great. Noone likes to ask a question nicely and be replied to with arrogance and attitude. Were all the same your not better then anyone.
I wouldt tell a car mechanic here is half a fucking car build the rest yourself without any help.
Or do you just assume that people born with a horseshoe up their ass and allready know coding ?
This is my point. You say this is not a framework but, you just now admitted that you cannot do it all yourself. Also back to the point of couchdb. You had it working with esmode 2 fine. You are just having a power trip.
No one else in the fivem coding community is having issues with mysql.
You are going against what a community is. You are telling people not to use another community made script. IE:vrp. That is plainly wrong and again proving my point about dividing the community.
You are using couchdb to divid the community. You know that no one in this community ever codes for it. You say it is for other reasons. I am sure you can achieve the same goals with mysql.
As a community coder, you should at least respect other coders and not insult their work they way you did right now with vrp. I was going to use esmode4 for fx. I am instead going to use vrp.
Me and some may even help make some moduals for them if time permits for me.
I guess you have are too dumb to understand anyway. I literally couldn’t care less as to what your opinion is as the reasoning behind it doesn’t make sense. You have no idea why I made the choices I did so don’t pretend to know.
Sorry but, a framework is something that provides generic functionality which can be overridden by other users to make the code more specialized. The add-on “es_rp” is already pretty specific. Heck, Kane doesn’t even say there are events that other developers can use to extend the functionality.
This isn’t really the place to be posting about EssentialMode. Anyways, when you say “basic stuff” I’m going to take you at face value here. If you were Kane and you were getting asked the same questions multiple times a day, especially when you’ve answered said questions in the forum post, you’d get fed up as well. I’m not saying he wasn’t rude but, you’ve got to understand he’s going to get fed up (hence the “go find out yourself” responses).
You have no proof that this is because he “want more control of your scripts”. As a developer, it’s nice to know when to use the different types of databases for storing data. In this case, a document store is appropriate (you can read more here). Also, as Kane has already pointed out, at the time PerformHttpRequest was easier and faster to implement. This was a massive positive at the time as the old version was causing servers to desync.
This (es_rp) is not a framework… See my comment above.
Umm… Just because something is in beta, doesn’t mean it will get new features… That’s not what beta is, beta is just a term used for software that is still being tested and hasn’t been officially released (see here for more info).
Please refrain from name-calling. I know you tried to mask it with a compliment but, name-calling is a no-no (see FAQ).
This add-on requires that you have EssentialMode installed and configured correctly. I believe you need to modify the EssentialMode files to set it up for use with CouchDB.
(I’m assuming you meant you wouldn’t expect a mechanic to give you half a car)
The issue here is that you’re comparing a paid service to a free contribution. The mechanic is being paid to fix your car and, you have an expectation that it would be fixed. If someone just gave you a car, you would be expected to to make sure it’s in working order (even if it means taking it to a mechanic).
That’s because they’ve all migrated to the async library. If they haven’t then, the server running said addons will experience desync and possibly other issues.
Proof? I don’t think you can speak on behalf of someone else without asking them… Unless… Are you mind reader? You could make a lot of money, you know
Edit: If you have a problem with EssentialMode, post in that thread. This thread is for es_rp.
I have an issue where i give a player permission 11 to be a cop then they go too the job center and Nothing happens when players click a job. no error, nothing. tried to find hook error and code looks fine. suggestions?
local job = data.job ?
You want proof mysql is very stable? Simple visit many many sites out there. Play some online games. Shoot i just installed a $65,00 server for a lab that uses mysql as it’s dbase.
For an rp server setup the only thing on there is jobs. There is no garages. There is no clothing shops. There is no car related stuff except job related and locking your door. There is no housing. This is more of a job sim then an rp.
All i am seeing is him getting defensive. Instead he should do what othet scripters i see do on here and other communities is take the suggestions into count. Work with the community and figure things out togethet. What I am seeing is my way or the highway approach.
This is counter productive for everyone.
Instead of doing this, you should just work with the community more and u be supprise of how helpfull we really are.
So how is this not a framework? I have used both ES_RP and vRP. They both are around they same but vRP has more done. Plus ES_RP is easy to edit to add more things in it. So in my eyes they are both frameworks. As the user can edit it to add more if they want or other coders can make scripts for it them selves that is relied on this or vRP. At least the maker of vRP can work with the community and the only reason its not so big is cause there is not a lot of scripts for it. But they already have a lot of things that others made for yours. That your just now adding in. I see it funny as i used to work with Arma RP forums and scripts and never seen someone try and split the community like this. If you saying we dont know the reason why you changed to couchDB. Then why not tell us why?
How I whitelist cops plz I’m new to this I changed the website to mine.
You are either blind, stupid or just plain retarded.
I’ve stated the reason many times and not even a long time ago. No I posted it again today. Read a few posts back where I had a whole paragraph responding to dumb statements.
Kan, again you take everything as an offense. Rage was asking a simple question. All you can do is insult people when they disagree with you.
I admit i might of came on more abrasive but, that is out of pure frustration on how you treat people that do not understand us. He was not insulting you nor was he abrasive.
He was was just stating an observation and asked that you be clear of the reasons for the decsion that was made.
You calling him blind or stupid is really counter productive. You seem very imature if you cannot take constructive critisim. That is what rage was doing. Kan, you got some maturing to do.
First off it’s: “Kane”, and if he was even observing a little bit he could’ve read a few posts back.
Now if you don’t have anything useful to say that contributes to this topic I suggest you stop replying. I can be direct messaged if you want to continue so badly.
hey kane do u ever thing about have inv saving when u buy stuff like items? jw
You cannot buy items, and as the inventory is capped at 30 and it takes about 10 minutes to get to that cap it seems illogical to do saving.
ok thank you yea im trying to find a way where i can buy food so i can have hungry and thristy. thanks why im asking u did a good job tho
Honestly that reason you posted was not clear cut answer. If you explain in better detail of how couchdb performs better and how it is easier then, maybe people might back you more.
The other issue is your lacking of any kind documation to help people understand your scripts better is disaapointing. I bet if you do better on the documation side for controls and how to get scripts working right then you will get less questions.
To your first paragraph, at the time it was easier and faster to implement which was required as es2 broke the server massively. So that’s why from then on out it was CouchDB. Switching back would just cause more confusion so I’m staying.
And there is tons of documentation on how it all works? There’s a wiki too if people like that kind of stuff.
Ah sorry i don’t feel like reading something where you insult the person for asking. I’m not blind dumb or retarded. I have worked with servers for 7 years now.
did that still having the same issue i go to havest items and nothing shows up in my inventory
While it’s not exactly LSPDFR like I so badly want, it’s a really cool script. Thank you for this!
Thanks @Kanersps Works great going to make a weapon and clothing shop in the next 2 days.