Es extendet

hey, my server is giving a error
here you can see my errors

You are using an outdated and discontinued version of es_extended.

Please use for the latest working releases :slightly_smiling_face:

There is an Folder that is called es_extendetmaster, is that the right?
I just place that into my [essentials]

where i place the folder?

Rename the file to es_extended
Then add: ensure es_extended to the server.cfg

When i start the server iam in a loadinscreen loop, how i fix it?

Are you getting any errors?

SCRIPT ERROR: @trew_hud_ui/server/server.lua:12: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘ESX’)

Take a look at this topic, it maybe more of a help.

As for the MYSQL error your getting, make sure you have entered the right details to your database.

in which file i put that in?

At the top of your server file.


no not there, read through this topic, as you should get an idea.