๐ŸŒ‹ Erupted Rp | .gg/eruptedrp | Public | Player Ran Economy | Businesses | Gangs | In House Development

:volcano: Why Choose Erupted Rp :volcano:

Are you and your gang or group of friends looking for a new server that is run by a dedicated FiveM developer who makes custom scripts for the server? Look no further join Erupted Rp today. Erupted Rp offers an RP experience like no other, with a completely player-run economy and supply chain. Want to start your dream business in RP? You can do it here. Want to be the biker MC that controls the gun trade? You can do it here!

We are looking for Gang Leaders, Business Owners, LEO Command, EMS Command, And Staff Members. If this sounds interesting to you join today!

:globe_with_meridians: Server IP: gta.erupted.us
:speech_balloon: Discord: Erupted Rp



Looking for Staff, LEO & EMS Command, Staff, and Business owners! Join the discord and open a ticket.

bump still looking for LEO and EMS command. Also looking for gang leaders and business owners!



Looking For:

  • Staff
  • Business Owners (No IRL Money To Start)
  • Gang Leaders (No IRL Money To Start)
  • PD & EMS Leadership

If you have a business you would like to run or a gang join the server make a ticket and we can make it work!

bippity boppity bumpity

bump bump

Looking For:

  • Staff
  • Business Owners (No IRL Money To Start)
  • Gang Leaders (No IRL Money To Start)
  • PD & EMS Leadership

If you have a business you would like to run or a gang join the server make a ticket and we can make it work!

Version 0.2.0 ( Update Foundation )

Join Us At: https: Erupted Rp

I know this doesnt seem like that much my god we have been grinding. Huge shout out to @na3ut0 for learning how to code this past 2 weeks and help a ton with the server. A little insight to how much we have really been doingโ€ฆ

Github Commits ( found in #ใ€Ž:hammer:ใ€mini-change-logs )

  • Commits In The Past Week: 150
  • Commits In The Past 2 Weeks: 208
    Along with this commit my streams from YouTube working on the server almost 6 hours a day almost every day. We are on a grin;d we want to get this server up and running for you guys!

A few notes

We are still in dire need of someone to run the LSPD department along with someone to run the EMS department if this seems interesting to you please open a ticket in #ใ€Ž:sos:ใ€support-tickets.
Also if you find any items that need images post them in #โ€œMissing Inventory Imagesโ€ and if while doing anything you get a proggress bar or a circle that is in the middle of the screen let me know please!

# Additions
+ Fixed And Added A Laptop.
+ Added Omazon Job.
+ Added Mining Job.
+ Added Eletric Job.
+ Added Farming Job.
+ Added mechanic script.
+ Added back items.
+ Added deployable bikes.
+ Added plenty of mini games.
+ Added a 70+ vehicle pack.
+ Added /report (make for bug reports)
+ Added some custom Burgershot clothing.
+ Added a food prep framework.
+ Added a dynamic crosshair.
+ Added the Hayes Auto Job.
+ Added the Burgershot Job.
+ Added the Brock Hard Pawn Job.

# MLO Changes
Added to many to list here is a link to see all tyhe new maps

# Changes
~ Changed jobless payout to 25.
~ Changed all shops to now have peds.

# Removals
- Removed a bunch of usless blips.
- Removed a bunch of bloat scripts.

# Fixes
~ Fixed most bugs with the laptop and set most of the stuff up with it.
~ Fixed issue with the 24/7 robberies.
~ Fixed issue with Omazon and Farming.
~ Working On Hud fixes.

@Change Log Pings

Version 0.2.2

# Additions
+ Added MDT.
+ Added Dispatch System.
+ Added New Prison System.
+ Added 4 New Police Cars.
+ Added all "cooking" tables.
+ Added a new salvage job.
+ Added 3rd eye player interactions.
+ Added functionality so they Tebex Supporter roles work correctly.
+ Added a new criminal weapon.
+ Added functionality to display a weapons class when looking at it.
+ Added Sandwiches to shops.
+ Added a police only dealership in the basement of MRPD.
+ Added a police only self mechanic in the basement of MRPD.
+ Added clothing for police.
+ Added a police garage in MRPD.
+ Added a gavel interation at the court house.

# Removals
- Removed burgers from shops.
- Removed boat and air garages.

# Changes
~ Changed water and sandwich shop price from 25 to 50.
~ Changed some item desc to have them marked.
~ Changed some weapons to display their class.

# Fixes
~ Fixed issue with returning tractor.
~ Fixed issue with farmer job not showing dialog.
~ Fixed position with police clothing shops.
~ Fixed issue with dispatch spamming alerts.
~ Fixed issue with the ammunation shop.
~ Fixed issue with wrong alerts playing when LEO dies.

Version 0.2.3

# Additions
+ Added locksmith MLO.
+ Added ability to rob parking meters.
+ Added BMX Bike to UTool & Megamall.
+ Added new dealership MLO.
+ Added new dealership job.
+ Added produce wholesale shop.
+ Added new 24/7 robbery system.

# Removals
- Removed default salvage job.
- Remove waypoint set notification.

# Changes
~ Changed defaultDuty for each job to false.
~ Changed amount of peds around the map.
~ Changed LEO locations around in the Sandy PD.
~ Changed it so everyone can hear panic button sound.
~ Changed starting money to $7.5k.
~ Changed Asbo Price to $1,000.
~ Changed vehicle rental price to $500.
~ Changed bike rental price to $50.
~ Changed a lot of item weights.

# Fixes
~ Fixed issues with salvage job.
~ Fixed interaction issue with the Sandy PD gate.
~ Fixed car jacking alert.
~ Fixed PDM doorlock states.
~ Fixed mining pickaxe bug.
~ Fixed IPL loading error.
~ Fixed dispatch zone error.

remember we are still looking for some mechanic shop owners and food business owners open a Erupted Rp